Friday, 23 December 2016
Dead on Arrival
What can make a blessing dead on arrival
What can make an expectation, dead on arrival
What can kill good-luck on arrival
What can kill a person just seconds before his breakthrough arrives.
It is what we call dead on arrival spirit, or can also be termed failure at the edge of breakthrough.
Dear Beloved, I want you to know fr certain that the devil has no power to stop what God has designed for your life. Even the devil knows that one. He dares not.
Cos when God says Yes, no one can say No.
So what the devil cleverly does is to look into the future, and see how he can start planning now, so that just before your breakthrough arrives , he strikes.
How does the devil strike?
1. Tricks- Because he knows the only way he can stop you fro getting to your promised land is by tricks. Speaking of promised land; Moses was a man destined to be great, destined to lead the Israelite to the promised land. The devil knows Moses was filled with the power of God, and could not stop him. So what does the devil do? He seats down and begin to he can stop Moses, and came up with an idea- anger. Exo 32:19
On a certain day, he provoked Moses and made Moses broke the tablet of stone that God gave him, on which the commandment was written. And that made God angry, and God said Moses will see the promised land but won't enter. That is what we call ''dead on arrival''.
A certain man, a Nigerian working in UK. Was doing about 4 jobs. overworking and stressing himself. So on a particular day after closing from his third job, he fell down , and in a sec he was dead. So as the doctors located his address and came to tell the news to his family members. On arriving at the man's house, they heard loud music, singing and dancing. So the man's daughter opened the door to them, she was all joyous and dancing telling them to seat down, eat and rejoice, that they just got a letter from the mail that their father(the dead man) has just been made an ambassador to England.
So that's why they were all dancing. As the doctors broke the news to them that the proposed ambassador died hours ago. Their joy turned to sorrow. Dead on arrival.
A young lady, an actress named Rebecca Schaeffer, has been aspiring to be a big star. She did some movies, but they weren't really hit movies. So she continued to look for that 'big movie break' that will make her a world celebrity. So the day came, she got a role in God-Father III. The day she was suppose to meet with the director of God-Father III, who was to sign her contract, which will automatically make her a star. On that Morning, a random man, knocked on her door, and shot her 7times.
Who was the man?
Why was it on that very day of her most important meeting?
The man was just a mentally derailed man, that saw her on television and believed she was his wife.
The mental guy, saw another movie of her, where she kissed some guy and became very angry. He traced her house, and shot her. Just like that. She was killed by someone she never met before.
This is real life. Check out her story on the link.
Why was it on that day of meeting- Because the meeting was her big breakthrough and the devil's only way of stopping her was preventing her from going. Dead on Arrival.
The only way to prevent this is to stay clean and always pray.
"Any power that does not want me to enter into my promised land, scatter by Fire, In Jesus Name".
More truths coming your way soonest.
Vol2: Time; Your Most precious asset.(Hard-work)
Here i will teach you the few tricks to move at same pace with time, and then overtake time.
Trust me, it feels so good to overtake time.
2. Work Extra hard...
If you want to be ahead of everyone, you have to work more than everyone. You can't work exactly like others do and expect to receive a higher rewards. It doesn't work like that. Life is what you put in, it gives back to you. So for you to beat time, you need to work extra hours. You will sleep when you are buried, so no need to sleep now....Keep working hard on that innovation. It will pay off. The difference between star and good is just hard work.
If you do what you are suppose to do efficiently they say you're good. But if You do more than what you're suppose to become a star.
But how can one do more than what he's suppose to do, he must have put in extra effort. Must have worked extra hrs. There is a saying that ...Hard-work always pays. can also be translated as Hard-work never fails....
A word of wisdom: They say when you're very Rich you don't sleep for more than 3hrs...On the contrary, The truth is Rich people became rich because they slept for less than 3hrs daily, and after they became rich they can't sleep more because they don't want to go poor.
"Hard-work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard".
Proverbs 24:33-34 say: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.
There you have it, the second secret to overtaking time, and beating time...if you want to be ahead in your game........
More truths coming your way soon...........
Time; Your most precious asset.
Time: Time is the only asset that keeps on moving, tirelessly. Time is the only asset that no one can claim ownership of. Time is the only asset that never forgives. Once it goes, no matter how much you plead with it, it will never reverse. So is time wicked? Nope.
Here i will teach you the few tricks to move at same pace with time, and then overtake time.
Trust me, it feels so good to overtake time.
1. Knowledge- Knowledge is key in whatever we do. What is knowledge? knowledge is simply knowing the solution to a problem. Knowledge is knowing what to do on-time in a difficult situation. "Dictionary meaning of knowledge is being aware of something".
When the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. It means my people are useless without knowledge.
To beat Time, you need to acquire future knowledge now. I mean, right now.
I'll give you instances,
I acquired about $1,000 worth of Bank shares in 2006. In 2008, i got knowledge that shares were going to crash. I sold mine in February, 2008 for $2,500 (Making a profit of $1500). By June, 2008 the shares of all banks had crashed, the shares i sold $2500 was worth about $300. So i would have made a loss of $700 if not for knowledge.
If i had lost $700, how can i get it back, I have to work, and put in Time right.
So directly or indirectly TIME IS MONEY and MONEY IS TIME.
TIME is LIFE and LIFE is TIME. When they say he is 10Yrs old, what that means is he is (24 x 365 x 10 )hrs.
Gen 3:3- But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
So God gave Adam prior knowledge. Unfortunately he disobeyed.
Gen 6:13,14-God gave Noah Knowledge that He was going to destroy the earth, and commanded him to make an ark. Noah made use of the knowledge and was saved.
Bill Gates had knowledge of Microsoft. Only he knew how to develop Microsoft software. And he put a patent on it. That's what made him rich. He saw the future, he could see a computer in every home as at 30 years ago. That's exactly how it is now...Knowledge.
If two people leave for "Abuja city" and are travelling to "Lagos city"...One is a first-timer on the journey while the other has the knowledge of the routes and has been there several times.... ....It will definitely take the first-timer longer time before he gets to his destination. (That's what lack of knowledge does....wastes times).
I will bring more and more secrets to beat Time to you..
More Truths coming your way soonest.....
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