Saturday, 6 February 2016

InGratitude- Lack of proper appreciation

The reason why your next helper doesn't want to help you now is because you were ungrateful to your last helper.

It's getting very common to see a lot of people beg when they're in need but the second they get what they want, they totally forget the helper ever existed. This here lies the reason why a lot of people aren't getting the help they desire. This is why a lot of people are hated.

If you're reading this post, and you notice people just hate you anywhere you go. Even people that are meeting you for the first time seem not to like you. Trust me, you must have showed or displayed some level of ingratitude. It might be that you're ungrateful.

This is how the law of Natire works. If yesterday, Mr.A was good to you, and you betrayed him. Naturally, if you meet Mr. B today, he will just not like you. It's a law of Nature. Mr.A doesn't have to know Mr.B.

Someone asks you for something, and you go out of your way to please the asker, and the next day he sees you and can't even say "Thank You"...that is ingratitude

The truth is, no one likes an ungrateful person.
Another truth is this, most ungrateful people don't even know they are ungrateful.

We all are guilty of this sin

Ungrateful to individuals.
Ungrateful to friends.
Ungrateful to parents. Your parents are like your god on earth. You should always be gratefuk to them, if for nothing, because they brought you to this world If your mom is happy with you, things will work well for you. If your mom is angry at you, things won;t go well with you. Bitter but true
Ungrateful to GOD - You have your two legs, two hands, in good health, and yet you're still complaining to GOD about lack of Money. (I wish you would take a walk into hospital bed, and ask them what they wish for) Beloved, the only thing a sick man wishes for is good health. He doesn't care about your gad-damn money. A cancer patient only wants life., nothing else.
The truth is this, if You actually Thank God for all the little things He has done, It will compel Him to do Bigger things. 

We should always learn to show appreciation Sometimes with our words, and sometimes with gifts.

More truths coming your way soonest......

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