Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Unilag - The University of First Choice. Here is why.

University of Lagos, by far the best University in Africa, and ranks amongst the best in the world. There are various reasons why University of Lagos, popularly called Unilag is the University of First choice for all prospective students. Every young, visionary individual first choice of University is Unilag.
Unilag has produced the most outstanding individuals at different fields. I will start by the naming my No.1 Unilag product, who happen to be my Mentor, Dr. D.K Olukoya.

1. Dr. D.K Olukoya- Dr. Daniel Olukoya, is a graduate of Unilag, He graduated from the Microbiology Department with a First Class. Wait a minute, not just any first class, Dr. Olukoya grade, his record G.P.A since 1981 hasn't still been beaten till date. He is still the best that ever graduated from Microbiology Department.
Who is Olukoya? He is the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries( MFM).
A True Man of God, He is my mentor, because He is a genius in all department. In Christianity, he is Tops, he is the reason every Church in the world pray, 'fall down and die'. The word "prayer point" originated from MFM. Also, business-wise, he is a genius, having written over 100 books, and his best selling book, Prayer Rain, which is the highest selling Christian book after the Bible.
So Academically he is on point, He has a PH.D, a General Overseer, and a Philanthropist and more importantly, my Mentor. So he is my No.1 product of Unilag.

2. Pastor Eunuch Adeboye - Pastor Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Mighty Redeemed Christian Church of God. Pastor Adeboye, a highly, I mean highly Anointed Man of God. There are not two Adeboye's in this world, there is just one, and that's Him. Popularly called "Daddy". Oh how I love this man. Again, He is a product of Unilag. He had his Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from University of Lagos. The First Choice University=University of First Choice. He was also a lecturer in Unilag. He is a role model to me and millions of people around the world. To me, he is like the richest man in the world. Did I also mention, I studied mathematics too from Unilag, lol. Yeah....

3. Prof. Chino Igwe - A future General Overseer, a product of University of Lagos too. Graduated from Mathematics department. And also an accounting lecturer in ACCA. He is a smart Business man, called and ordained by GOD.

You're smart to ask these questions, why do these great men of God choose Unilag?. It is because great minds think alike. And they all know Unilag is God's own university, with First class lecturers, and the atmosphere is academically supreme.
If you're a parent, student, whoever and wherever you're, I encourage you to have a product of Unilag in your family. Because that product of Unilag, might just be the star that will shine in your family.

Till I come your way again with more truths...........

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