Friday, 21 July 2017

Short-term Glory.


What is short-term glory? This is when someone just achieved a huge breakthrough, just as soon as people are congratulating him, the enemy (devil) comes and snatches it away. 

Short-term glory is when you get the position you have been dreaming about, and all of a sudden your bad past rears its ugly head and spoils everything.
Short-term glory is when Mr. A has been praying for financial breakthrough, job breakthrough for years, and all of a sudden the breakthrough finally comes, he gets employment letter. And he goes for medicals then this happens;
Doctor says: Sorry Sir, we did a test on your blood sample and you have HIV.
So he has gotten the glory, but just for a short while.

Facts: The devil, on his own does not want anyone succeeding. So once you succeed, know that you have just made yourself his No.1 target.
That’s why they said, the main issue is not getting to the Top but staying there.
I laugh when some people get a major breakthrough and they say thank God, now I can finally relax. 

Causes of Short-term glory and Solution  
    1. Disobedience to God - God told a prophet in the Bible, 1Kings 13. Go to Bethel, eat nothing there, and drink nothing there. He disobeyed God and followed the voice of man. He ended up dying.
Same with Adam & Eve, God said don’t eat this apple…they chose to obey the voice of ordinary serpent. They got booted out. They enjoyed the glory of Garden of Eden but just for a short time. (Same way right now God is saying don’t do this, don’t do that. But that your friend is pressurizing you. Don’t mind him o.)

2.  2.Too cold/Too quiet – The kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force. Even the Bible tells us to be as wise as the serpent. If you want people to take advantage of you, trust me, people will. Who told you life was fair ?
I’ll give you two scenarios:
Scenario 1:  David & goliath. Goliath told David he was gonna cut off his head, did David keep quiet? Nope . Rather he responded telling him, it is me David that will cut off your own head. And what happened? David did cut off goliath’s head.
Scenario 2: John the Baptist was in prison, and Herod sent them to cut off his head. Did he keep quiet? Unfortunately yes. If only John had said, Mr. Herod, it is your head I will cut. He would have actually cut it.
Summary: Don’t be dull. If you see something you don’t like, speak up. If someone is trying to take your property, rise up and claim ownership. Sometimes recovery is by force.

3 3. Failing God’s Test of “little beginnings”- More often than not, before God gives you a giant breakthrough, he will first of all test you with little breakthroughs to see if you are capable of utilizing it well. God wants to see how you managed the little He has given you.
If you managed it well, then He will give you much.
If you remember the parable in Bible in Matt 25- 15-28.
Servant 1 was given 5Million, he traded with it, and made extra 5 Million.
Servant 2 was given 2 Million, he traded with it and made extra 2 million.
Servant 3 was given 1Million, he didn’t trade, and he considered it too small. He was afraid to use the talent. He buried it.   What happened?
The very 1Million that he had was taken away from him.
That is exactly what I mean by short-time glory. He had 1 Million today, and lost it the next day.
Lesson: Don’t despise the day of little beginnings.
Of course this goes same with relationships, marriage, and business.
In relationships, some ladies, the guy they are looking for, I don’t think he has been born yet. A handsome, rich, tall, with six-packs, a fast car. Living in Lekki. But they fail to reason that most of the rich men now; Dangote, Leostan, Mark Zuckerberg, were once normal ordinary and struggling guys. But ofcourse they traded with their talents, and they grew.
So the ordinary guy beside you now might be the Bill Gate of tomorrow.
For Some guys, they want a lady with Nicki-Minaj body, Beyonce’ bank account, Rihanna’s voice etc.  Instead of them looking for someone that will help their destiny.
“Marrying a woman because of her beauty is like buying a house because of the paint”. Sooner or later, the paint will fade, and your eyes will open.

It’s good to thank God, but it’s even better to thank God and get closer to him. Really, that’s our only secure place. God is Fire, and that Fire protects us. You know it’s only a mad man that will see fire and put his hand inside. So to be secure in life, let’s get closer to Him. Live Holy and automatically He comes and dwells in you and His fire protects you.
God bless you……I leave you with these truths for now…… More truths coming your way soonest…..

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