Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Celebrant is always the Target.

1. When Jesus was born, everyone including the 3 wise men celebrated Him.   

What happened next? Herod tried to kill the celebrant. 

Years later, Judas his own family member betrayed him, went to meet people to kill him.
The enemy might be closer than you think. Mark 14:10. 

* Esau was supposed to receive his father's blessing. It was his own mother that told Jacob to disguise and claim the blessing. 

* The good blessings u have, there are people that hate you already bcos of it. They just want to see the blessings disappear. 

* You are due for promotion, and u think the devil is happy, really? 

* You found a beautiful wife or a perfect husband, and you think the devil is happy u about to get married. Really?

The day u start celebrating, you become a target. 

devil comes thru human form like judas Iscariot, Herod  etc, 

My Pastor, Dr. Olukoya always says to "every new level there’s a new devil".

What to do:

Be vigilant, watch & pray.  

There are physical enemies & spiritual enemies.

God bless You all. More Truths coming your way. 

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