Friday, 23 December 2016
Dead on Arrival
What can make a blessing dead on arrival
What can make an expectation, dead on arrival
What can kill good-luck on arrival
What can kill a person just seconds before his breakthrough arrives.
It is what we call dead on arrival spirit, or can also be termed failure at the edge of breakthrough.
Dear Beloved, I want you to know fr certain that the devil has no power to stop what God has designed for your life. Even the devil knows that one. He dares not.
Cos when God says Yes, no one can say No.
So what the devil cleverly does is to look into the future, and see how he can start planning now, so that just before your breakthrough arrives , he strikes.
How does the devil strike?
1. Tricks- Because he knows the only way he can stop you fro getting to your promised land is by tricks. Speaking of promised land; Moses was a man destined to be great, destined to lead the Israelite to the promised land. The devil knows Moses was filled with the power of God, and could not stop him. So what does the devil do? He seats down and begin to he can stop Moses, and came up with an idea- anger. Exo 32:19
On a certain day, he provoked Moses and made Moses broke the tablet of stone that God gave him, on which the commandment was written. And that made God angry, and God said Moses will see the promised land but won't enter. That is what we call ''dead on arrival''.
A certain man, a Nigerian working in UK. Was doing about 4 jobs. overworking and stressing himself. So on a particular day after closing from his third job, he fell down , and in a sec he was dead. So as the doctors located his address and came to tell the news to his family members. On arriving at the man's house, they heard loud music, singing and dancing. So the man's daughter opened the door to them, she was all joyous and dancing telling them to seat down, eat and rejoice, that they just got a letter from the mail that their father(the dead man) has just been made an ambassador to England.
So that's why they were all dancing. As the doctors broke the news to them that the proposed ambassador died hours ago. Their joy turned to sorrow. Dead on arrival.
A young lady, an actress named Rebecca Schaeffer, has been aspiring to be a big star. She did some movies, but they weren't really hit movies. So she continued to look for that 'big movie break' that will make her a world celebrity. So the day came, she got a role in God-Father III. The day she was suppose to meet with the director of God-Father III, who was to sign her contract, which will automatically make her a star. On that Morning, a random man, knocked on her door, and shot her 7times.
Who was the man?
Why was it on that very day of her most important meeting?
The man was just a mentally derailed man, that saw her on television and believed she was his wife.
The mental guy, saw another movie of her, where she kissed some guy and became very angry. He traced her house, and shot her. Just like that. She was killed by someone she never met before.
This is real life. Check out her story on the link.
Why was it on that day of meeting- Because the meeting was her big breakthrough and the devil's only way of stopping her was preventing her from going. Dead on Arrival.
The only way to prevent this is to stay clean and always pray.
"Any power that does not want me to enter into my promised land, scatter by Fire, In Jesus Name".
More truths coming your way soonest.
Vol2: Time; Your Most precious asset.(Hard-work)

Here i will teach you the few tricks to move at same pace with time, and then overtake time.
Trust me, it feels so good to overtake time.
2. Work Extra hard...
If you want to be ahead of everyone, you have to work more than everyone. You can't work exactly like others do and expect to receive a higher rewards. It doesn't work like that. Life is what you put in, it gives back to you. So for you to beat time, you need to work extra hours. You will sleep when you are buried, so no need to sleep now....Keep working hard on that innovation. It will pay off. The difference between star and good is just hard work.
If you do what you are suppose to do efficiently they say you're good. But if You do more than what you're suppose to become a star.
But how can one do more than what he's suppose to do, he must have put in extra effort. Must have worked extra hrs. There is a saying that ...Hard-work always pays. can also be translated as Hard-work never fails....
A word of wisdom: They say when you're very Rich you don't sleep for more than 3hrs...On the contrary, The truth is Rich people became rich because they slept for less than 3hrs daily, and after they became rich they can't sleep more because they don't want to go poor.
"Hard-work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard".
Proverbs 24:33-34 say: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.
There you have it, the second secret to overtaking time, and beating time...if you want to be ahead in your game........
More truths coming your way soon...........
Time; Your most precious asset.

Time: Time is the only asset that keeps on moving, tirelessly. Time is the only asset that no one can claim ownership of. Time is the only asset that never forgives. Once it goes, no matter how much you plead with it, it will never reverse. So is time wicked? Nope.
Here i will teach you the few tricks to move at same pace with time, and then overtake time.
Trust me, it feels so good to overtake time.
1. Knowledge- Knowledge is key in whatever we do. What is knowledge? knowledge is simply knowing the solution to a problem. Knowledge is knowing what to do on-time in a difficult situation. "Dictionary meaning of knowledge is being aware of something".
When the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. It means my people are useless without knowledge.
To beat Time, you need to acquire future knowledge now. I mean, right now.
I'll give you instances,
I acquired about $1,000 worth of Bank shares in 2006. In 2008, i got knowledge that shares were going to crash. I sold mine in February, 2008 for $2,500 (Making a profit of $1500). By June, 2008 the shares of all banks had crashed, the shares i sold $2500 was worth about $300. So i would have made a loss of $700 if not for knowledge.
If i had lost $700, how can i get it back, I have to work, and put in Time right.
So directly or indirectly TIME IS MONEY and MONEY IS TIME.
TIME is LIFE and LIFE is TIME. When they say he is 10Yrs old, what that means is he is (24 x 365 x 10 )hrs.
Gen 3:3- But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
So God gave Adam prior knowledge. Unfortunately he disobeyed.
Gen 6:13,14-God gave Noah Knowledge that He was going to destroy the earth, and commanded him to make an ark. Noah made use of the knowledge and was saved.
Bill Gates had knowledge of Microsoft. Only he knew how to develop Microsoft software. And he put a patent on it. That's what made him rich. He saw the future, he could see a computer in every home as at 30 years ago. That's exactly how it is now...Knowledge.
If two people leave for "Abuja city" and are travelling to "Lagos city"...One is a first-timer on the journey while the other has the knowledge of the routes and has been there several times.... ....It will definitely take the first-timer longer time before he gets to his destination. (That's what lack of knowledge does....wastes times).
I will bring more and more secrets to beat Time to you..
More Truths coming your way soonest.....
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Unilag - The University of First Choice. Here is why.
University of Lagos, by far the best University in Africa, and ranks amongst the best in the world. There are various reasons why University of Lagos, popularly called Unilag is the University of First choice for all prospective students. Every young, visionary individual first choice of University is Unilag.
Unilag has produced the most outstanding individuals at different fields. I will start by the naming my No.1 Unilag product, who happen to be my Mentor, Dr. D.K Olukoya.
1. Dr. D.K Olukoya- Dr. Daniel Olukoya, is a graduate of Unilag, He graduated from the Microbiology Department with a First Class. Wait a minute, not just any first class, Dr. Olukoya grade, his record G.P.A since 1981 hasn't still been beaten till date. He is still the best that ever graduated from Microbiology Department.
Who is Olukoya? He is the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries( MFM).
A True Man of God, He is my mentor, because He is a genius in all department. In Christianity, he is Tops, he is the reason every Church in the world pray, 'fall down and die'. The word "prayer point" originated from MFM. Also, business-wise, he is a genius, having written over 100 books, and his best selling book, Prayer Rain, which is the highest selling Christian book after the Bible.
So Academically he is on point, He has a PH.D, a General Overseer, and a Philanthropist and more importantly, my Mentor. So he is my No.1 product of Unilag.
2. Pastor Eunuch Adeboye - Pastor Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Mighty Redeemed Christian Church of God. Pastor Adeboye, a highly, I mean highly Anointed Man of God. There are not two Adeboye's in this world, there is just one, and that's Him. Popularly called "Daddy". Oh how I love this man. Again, He is a product of Unilag. He had his Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from University of Lagos. The First Choice University=University of First Choice. He was also a lecturer in Unilag. He is a role model to me and millions of people around the world. To me, he is like the richest man in the world. Did I also mention, I studied mathematics too from Unilag, lol. Yeah....
3. Prof. Chino Igwe - A future General Overseer, a product of University of Lagos too. Graduated from Mathematics department. And also an accounting lecturer in ACCA. He is a smart Business man, called and ordained by GOD.
You're smart to ask these questions, why do these great men of God choose Unilag?. It is because great minds think alike. And they all know Unilag is God's own university, with First class lecturers, and the atmosphere is academically supreme.
If you're a parent, student, whoever and wherever you're, I encourage you to have a product of Unilag in your family. Because that product of Unilag, might just be the star that will shine in your family.
Till I come your way again with more truths...........
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
The devil Tricks
devil does not have any power. what he has is just tricks. And this his tricks are very, i mean very clever. The bad thing about trick i that you never know its a trick until you see the repercussion. If you're a child of God, the devil cannot really hurt you, because whom God has Blessed, devil cannot curse. The devil knows that, so the only thing the devil can do is to trick you.
Lets look at different events that buttresses what I'm talking about.
1. Adam &Eve in the Garden: adam&eve were God's children. Had everything on earth, in the garden of eden. The devil who is jealous of God's children, tried to push them away from the garden, but because he knows he does not have the power to do that, he started to use the only thing/device he has; tricks. when the devil wants to trick you, he comes in a subtle, gentle way. It's almost impossible to for you to detect that a trick is on the way.
devil knew the only way to push adam&eve out of the garden away from God's
Blessing was to trick them. So he tricked Eve and she ate the forbidden food, and gave to adam. Genesis 3:13- And God asked eve, why did you eat the forbidden fruit, and he said, the devil tricked me.
2. The disobedient Man of God- There was a man of God, that God sent to deliver a message to king Jeroboam in 1 Kings 13, God specifically told him,don't eat/drink anything there. After the man delivered the message, the king offered him food, he refused and went away. On his way, the devil again, decided to trick the man.1kings 13:18- The devil sent an old(fake) prophet to trick him and he went back to the place, ate and drank. And God destroyed the man of God.
Because he fell for the trick and disobeyed God.
3. The devil tempted Jesus. For forty day he was tempting(trying to trick) Jesus but didn't succeed. Immediately after Jesus fasted forty days, he(devil) knew Jesus would be very hungry, so what was did he do. Luke 4:3- If you know you are truly the the son of God, turn this stone to bread. Anyone could have easily fallen for that trick because of hunger and because Jesus was filled with the power of God after fasting BUT Jesus knowing whom the devil is, did not obey him.
Beloved, the devil will always come tricky. He will entice you with attractive things. If you're a man, the devil will come with a young pretty lady to make you fall for fornication. You might call it love/girlfriend/dating but fornication is fornication.
A young lady, destined to be great. while in school, because of peer pressure, decided to have a boyfriend,(Trick no.1), just after the first sex,(trick no2) she got pregnant. Again because of shame decided to abort(trick no 3). While aborting the doctor ruptured her womb.
Seven years later, after her Masters in America, met the son of a president of a certain country, a rich Medical doctor. He decided to marry her. Just a week to the wedding, she fell a little sick, and he decided to run a scan on her, and he discovered her womb has been tampered. He, being a doctor knows she can't have a baby. So he just had to cancel the wedding. So now here she is, a lawyer, found the man of her dreams that will change her life forever but what? The devil had played the trick on her years ago and she fell.
It's good to pray for God to bless us, but it's even more important to prayagainst the tricks of the devil.
More truths coming your way soonest.....
Monday, 22 August 2016
God is all You Need!!!!!!!
My Beloved, with great joy i bring you this eye-opener. God is all you need.
At this very moment, either;
You are about to enter into a project,career, business or
You are already in a project, career, business or
You are at the end of a project, career or business, I have good news for you, the good news is , God is all you need make it a success.
From the first stance, when you are about to enter a career, project or biz, God is all you need to succeed. For God has already said, He will make a way where there seems to be no way. So all you have to do is take the first step and don't worry about any consequences. To make it in life, you have to move forward, and the only way to move forward is to not look backwards at all. To crown it all up, God even said I will even make a river in the desert. That means, in places where you least expect help, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will provide help.
That's why all you have to do is make up your mind and enter the project, career or biz. You know the saying - When there is a will, there is a way.
Secondly When you are already in a project, career or biz, God is all you need move from minimum to maximum. No wonder God said in Prov 22:29- Any man that is diligent in his work, I will set him before kings. Which means, you will be associating with kings, presidents and govenors. All you have to do is be diligent in whatever you do. You know what diligent is right? Someone that is steady, earnest and energetic in his work. Consistent, serious-minded and strong person. Combine these three and you're sure on your way to the Top. God said so, not me.
Thirdly and finally when you are at the end of a project, career or biz and it looks like things are packing up, looks like its a dead end, looks like the biz is a failure, looks like everyone is laughing at you. DO NOT PANIC. As long as the Bible says ''The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut-off''. then never ever loose faith. Cos that's the only trick the devil can use to stop you from achieving your desired glory. Discouragement is the devils main tool. Don't let it work on you. God is all you need my brother/sister. Sometimes, God wants you to face hardest times, so that the weaklings(enemies you call friends) around you can go, so when he blesses you, you know those who are truly your friends.
So in every state you're in now, as long as you have God, you're fine. If you have offended God by committing sin, then go on your knees, pray for forgiveness, and because God loves us so much that He is too merciful, He is quick to forgive true repentant sinners. So once you've prayed fr forgiveness, you're fine, you now have God. Rejoice.
I come your way with more truths.......
At this very moment, either;
You are about to enter into a project,career, business or
You are already in a project, career, business or
You are at the end of a project, career or business, I have good news for you, the good news is , God is all you need make it a success.
From the first stance, when you are about to enter a career, project or biz, God is all you need to succeed. For God has already said, He will make a way where there seems to be no way. So all you have to do is take the first step and don't worry about any consequences. To make it in life, you have to move forward, and the only way to move forward is to not look backwards at all. To crown it all up, God even said I will even make a river in the desert. That means, in places where you least expect help, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will provide help.
That's why all you have to do is make up your mind and enter the project, career or biz. You know the saying - When there is a will, there is a way.
Secondly When you are already in a project, career or biz, God is all you need move from minimum to maximum. No wonder God said in Prov 22:29- Any man that is diligent in his work, I will set him before kings. Which means, you will be associating with kings, presidents and govenors. All you have to do is be diligent in whatever you do. You know what diligent is right? Someone that is steady, earnest and energetic in his work. Consistent, serious-minded and strong person. Combine these three and you're sure on your way to the Top. God said so, not me.
Thirdly and finally when you are at the end of a project, career or biz and it looks like things are packing up, looks like its a dead end, looks like the biz is a failure, looks like everyone is laughing at you. DO NOT PANIC. As long as the Bible says ''The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut-off''. then never ever loose faith. Cos that's the only trick the devil can use to stop you from achieving your desired glory. Discouragement is the devils main tool. Don't let it work on you. God is all you need my brother/sister. Sometimes, God wants you to face hardest times, so that the weaklings(enemies you call friends) around you can go, so when he blesses you, you know those who are truly your friends.
So in every state you're in now, as long as you have God, you're fine. If you have offended God by committing sin, then go on your knees, pray for forgiveness, and because God loves us so much that He is too merciful, He is quick to forgive true repentant sinners. So once you've prayed fr forgiveness, you're fine, you now have God. Rejoice.
I come your way with more truths.......
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Olympic swimmer, Robel now mocked as "Robel the whale". (Failure to Plan=Planning to Fail)
Ok, as seen in Rio Olympic , Ethiopian swimmer Robel kiros, was mocked for his over weight body. He is now called "Robel the whale". Not just that, he took up the last position in the 100m men swimming competition at the Olympic. It's OK, if there are three contestants, and you're the last. It's even OK, if there are 10 contestants and you end up last position. It's even bearable if there are 20 contestants and you somehow find yourself in the last position. But what is not bearable, unthinkable, unfathomable is that out of 59 contestants, you still ended up 59th. It just means that he didn't put in any effort.

The truth is, I'm sure he didn't prepare for the tournament. And another truth is, he knew he didn't prepare for the tournament, but was still hell-bent on coming. Maybe he just wanted to see what Brazil looks like...I'm just saying.
For a sport like swimming, you know the heavier you get, the slower you become, every contestant is expected to work out. From the pic, its evident, the Ethiopian whale didn't.
So my advice, before you embark on any project, be sure you have the resources to finish it.
Failure to plan, is planning to fail, big-time. The reason why they're mocking the swimmer isn't just because he was last, it's because he knew he was overweight(lack of preparation) and still came to contest.
Yes, Everything is possible, but really nothing is possible if you don't make a move to succeed.
Hard-work never kills. No wonder the Bible says in...
Proverbs 13: 4- Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Dangote's Over-caring attitude has now made him the richest Man.
Aliko Dangote is one of the Richest Men in the world, worth over 15.7 Billion Dollars.
Is it easy to get to that height, that pinnacle of wealth?, well Yes.
Actually very easy.
I know your next question will be how?
OK, just listen very attentively and let me school you.
Aliko Dangote when he was in Primary school, was selling sweet to his mates.
Now what does that tell you, he was humble, above humility, he was caring. lol
He was always searching for needs of people around him. He knew the kids in school, all liked sweet, candy and he goes to the market, buys it...and now sells to his mates. That's love, that's
caring, thats wisdom. Now where the smartness comes in is that he grosses up the cost price to make a slim profit on each sale. The kids didn't know he was making a profit. To them he(Dangote) was doing them a favor.
No wonder, when he was 21, he requested for a loan of N500,000 from his uncle,Dantata. He started with sugar business.
I can say, Dangote's over-caring attitude for people within and around him is making him rich.
Ok see this, He looked around and saw that, basically everyone uses sugar daily, being so compassionate lol, he started importing sugar into Nigeria and selling...Just to provide sugar for you and I.
See again, He saw that Nigeria really really was under-developed, and to become developed will need infrastructure and buildings. Again he thought, my people will need cement for their buildings o. what do i do? How can i help them? He decided to start importing cement.
Now, he has seen all the higgi hagga in Nigeria's oil refinery and said, My people cannot continue to suffer. They cannot be suffering scarcity of fuel, buying fuel at N145/litre. He has decided to start
Oil refinery, just to make it affordable for you and I. Oh what a kind, caring man. Wouldn't you just wanna Kiss Dangote for his kind heart.
Again when he starts making plenty money from oil business people will start talking. Please o, the man just loves we Nigerians so much that he cares for us. And it's that care that is making him very very rich.
All i can is, God Bless Dangote for his kind heart.
So if you want to be as rich as Dangote, look for what people around you need, and try and provide for them. Do it smartly(profitize it).
Phil 2:4- Do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interests of others.
The Bible was spot-on on that. I think that summarizes it all.....
More truths coming your always.....
Is it easy to get to that height, that pinnacle of wealth?, well Yes.
Actually very easy.
I know your next question will be how?
OK, just listen very attentively and let me school you.
Aliko Dangote when he was in Primary school, was selling sweet to his mates.
Now what does that tell you, he was humble, above humility, he was caring. lol
He was always searching for needs of people around him. He knew the kids in school, all liked sweet, candy and he goes to the market, buys it...and now sells to his mates. That's love, that's
caring, thats wisdom. Now where the smartness comes in is that he grosses up the cost price to make a slim profit on each sale. The kids didn't know he was making a profit. To them he(Dangote) was doing them a favor.
No wonder, when he was 21, he requested for a loan of N500,000 from his uncle,Dantata. He started with sugar business.
I can say, Dangote's over-caring attitude for people within and around him is making him rich.
Ok see this, He looked around and saw that, basically everyone uses sugar daily, being so compassionate lol, he started importing sugar into Nigeria and selling...Just to provide sugar for you and I.
See again, He saw that Nigeria really really was under-developed, and to become developed will need infrastructure and buildings. Again he thought, my people will need cement for their buildings o. what do i do? How can i help them? He decided to start importing cement.
Now, he has seen all the higgi hagga in Nigeria's oil refinery and said, My people cannot continue to suffer. They cannot be suffering scarcity of fuel, buying fuel at N145/litre. He has decided to start
Oil refinery, just to make it affordable for you and I. Oh what a kind, caring man. Wouldn't you just wanna Kiss Dangote for his kind heart.
Again when he starts making plenty money from oil business people will start talking. Please o, the man just loves we Nigerians so much that he cares for us. And it's that care that is making him very very rich.
All i can is, God Bless Dangote for his kind heart.
So if you want to be as rich as Dangote, look for what people around you need, and try and provide for them. Do it smartly(profitize it).
Phil 2:4- Do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interests of others.
The Bible was spot-on on that. I think that summarizes it all.....
More truths coming your always.....
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Are You A Servant?
Philippians 2:3- Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
what do I mean by serving others?
If you're a woman and you have a maid, if i ask you how many times you have plaited your maid's hair, I'm sure the answer would be never. But if i ask you how many times you have plaited your daughters hair, I'm m sure you've lost count. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Humility is you serving someone you're bigger than. Humility is not you serving someone that is bigger than you, No, that's sycophancy.
Humility is when you're a boss, looking at the untied lace of your employee's shoe, and then bending down and help him tie it.
The life that you have, God gave you. The Money in your account, it isn't because you worked so hard that you have it. It's because God loved you that's why He gave you such wealth.
So really, why should we be proud? Why should we be pompous? why should we be boastful?
A man can receive nothing except from the Lord.
So instead of being boastful, be helpful, be thankful to God for the good things you have, and learn to recognize when people are in need, and offer help.
Jesus Christ, so powerful, that healed the leper, raised the dead, opened the eyes of the blind, turned water to wine, e.t.c still humbled himself and allowed himself to die on the cross. Why? Cos he came to the world to serve. To serve means to be a servant. It was after he died on the cross, that he was now even more glorified and sat on the right side of GOD.
1. So being a servant is the easiest secret to be a Leader, To be a president, To be a Teacher, To be a master.
When accessing the most effective types of leadership, using the managerial grid model of Blake and Mouton, the participative style of leadership(Servant leadership) is presented as the approach with the greatest possible performance and employee satisfaction.
2. Most people want someone higher/richer to be their friend, to talk to them, to hang out and have fun with them, Yet they hate people lower than them, they will never smile with anyone of a lower class.
To Do: You make yourself available to people lower than your status, be nice to them, take them out once in a while. Call them and check up on them.
I pray and hope that we all will put down our worth, pride, ego, awards, And start to focus on impacting other peoples lives positively.
More truths coming your way soon.......
Monday, 4 July 2016
FFK Granted bail by the Court for N250M.
FFK has been granted bail of N250M by the Federal High court in Nigeria. If you remember FFK was arrested by the EFCC since May 9th, 2016. Almost two months, and after several court adjournments, has finally been released.
FFK is one of the only bold Nigerian that criticizes this government. It was beautiful to see him and his new wife today after his release.
The question now is; Are we going to be hearing more of FFK or less of FFK......Only one way to find out....Sit, browse on
FFK is one of the only bold Nigerian that criticizes this government. It was beautiful to see him and his new wife today after his release.
The question now is; Are we going to be hearing more of FFK or less of FFK......Only one way to find out....Sit, browse on
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
One last Strike.....Messi.....One last strike.
Should Lionel Messi retire from international football? I don't think he should. Even Maradonna too doesn't think he should retire. Here is why I don't think he should...
Almost all the greats in the world, before they achieved their record breaking medal, passed through hell.
If it was easy, there wouldn't be much value and applaud attracted to achievement.
Nothing good comes easy.
Naturally in life, going up is hard, but coming down is way easy.
Climbing a mountain is hard, but coming down is easy.
* The Man who discovered the light bulb, Thomas Edison, failed 1000 times before eventually succeeding, and here we are today enjoying the light.
**Abraham Lincoln, America's former President failed over 12 times in his career starting in 1831 before eventually becoming president in 1860. And he is one of the best presidents in America's history.
In life, it's always good to do your best and leave the rest to God. Yes Messi has been doing his best, but he should still continue. Luck will definitely shine on him someday.
I will give you an example...A certain Farmer was asked to cut down a tree in a farm owned by a rich man at a cost of $1Million dollars
The tree was a big Iroko tree.
So the farmer then started to strike the Iroko tree with the Axe.
The truth is, from analysis you need to strike the root of an Iroko Tree 51-times with an Axe for the tree to fall. The farmer didn't know this.
So the farmer kept on striking, once, twice, thrice, and upon getting to 50, he gave up. Said it was impossible to cut down the tree with an Axe. Little did he know that he just needed to strike the tree just one last time. So immediately he gave up.....the rich man hired another farmer, and the second farmer just stroked once, and the tree fell. So the question?
Who deserves the glory? Farmer No. 1
But who will take the glory? Farmer No. 2
Lesson in life is, your breakthrough might be closer than you think. Just one last strike, is all you need. It might be that God is waiting for the right time, the right tournament, the right atmosphere, the right audience for Messi to win the world cup.
Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Philipians 3: 13- Brothers and sisters, one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Now is the time for him to strike. Just one last Strike.
More truths coming your way soonest.....
Almost all the greats in the world, before they achieved their record breaking medal, passed through hell.
If it was easy, there wouldn't be much value and applaud attracted to achievement.
Nothing good comes easy.
Naturally in life, going up is hard, but coming down is way easy.
Climbing a mountain is hard, but coming down is easy.
* The Man who discovered the light bulb, Thomas Edison, failed 1000 times before eventually succeeding, and here we are today enjoying the light.
**Abraham Lincoln, America's former President failed over 12 times in his career starting in 1831 before eventually becoming president in 1860. And he is one of the best presidents in America's history.
In life, it's always good to do your best and leave the rest to God. Yes Messi has been doing his best, but he should still continue. Luck will definitely shine on him someday.
I will give you an example...A certain Farmer was asked to cut down a tree in a farm owned by a rich man at a cost of $1Million dollars
The tree was a big Iroko tree.
So the farmer then started to strike the Iroko tree with the Axe.
The truth is, from analysis you need to strike the root of an Iroko Tree 51-times with an Axe for the tree to fall. The farmer didn't know this.
So the farmer kept on striking, once, twice, thrice, and upon getting to 50, he gave up. Said it was impossible to cut down the tree with an Axe. Little did he know that he just needed to strike the tree just one last time. So immediately he gave up.....the rich man hired another farmer, and the second farmer just stroked once, and the tree fell. So the question?
Who deserves the glory? Farmer No. 1
But who will take the glory? Farmer No. 2
Lesson in life is, your breakthrough might be closer than you think. Just one last strike, is all you need. It might be that God is waiting for the right time, the right tournament, the right atmosphere, the right audience for Messi to win the world cup.
Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Philipians 3: 13- Brothers and sisters, one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Now is the time for him to strike. Just one last Strike.
More truths coming your way soonest.....
Monday, 27 June 2016
The Nursing Mother....or should I say Nursing murderer......
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Christy Sheats |
But I am really perplexed. Cos even in the Bible God said in Isa 49:15 “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.
This means that mothers are bound to love their own children, forever. It's really puzzling what could have been the motive for this killings.
Could she be having mental disorder?
What on earth could the daughters have done to offend her?
Was she just frustrated and wanted to pour her fury on anyone close?
I think she is just retarded but no one knew.
Truthfully, I cannot phantom what can make someone do that....even if she was drunk, after she shot the first daughter, the drunkenness should have disappeared from her eyes. She shot one of her daughter-Taylor thrice, three times.
Maybe I should just blame it on the devil this time around. Because how can one, go through the pain of carrying a child for nine months, babysitting her and training her for years, and end up killing the same person. Just doesn't make sense to me. There has to be another spirit that had entered her, that's the devil I'm talking about.
Her two daughters were Taylor 22 and Madison 17. So so sad.
Would it not have been better if this woman was not born at all. SMH.
The truth is, everyday we wake up, we should thank God for life, for joy and for happiness. The happiness you think is nothing, some people are looking for it and haven't been happy for years, and here you are laughing every now and then, you should thank God.
More truths coming your way soonest......
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Ladies, Sometimes the grass is not greener outside. In-fact there is no grass at all outside
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Tim n Empress 2008 |
I just read about Empress Njamah doing some charity work and all in her EmpressNjamahfoundation and I just shook my head.
In 2008, Nigerian singer Timaya, was just coming up and becoming Big.
He was madly in-love with Actress Empress Njamah. He wanted to Marry her immediately. He even sang a long song for her on his second album. Title of song: Iyawo Mi by Timaya.
But what happened? Accordig to Timaya, she mis-behaved, maybe she was still looking at him like a small boy(Which he was in 2008). In 2008, Empress was considered hot-n-sexy. She was like the Kim Kardashian of 2008. And maybe that was why she was looking for already-made men.
I always counsel ladies, when a guy displays craziness-in-love for you. And does the extra ordinary for you. Don't mis-use it. Don't abuse it. Don't you ever. Because every guy can be a fool for love, but the moment he notices you're using him, cheating on him, or playing on his emotions, the whole I- love-U will die. No one will be a fool forever. No one wants to be the other guy. Every man wants to be the guy that his ladies will love and respect. If you can't give a man "Respect" and then love, you will loose him. (If a guy is crazy about you, you had better thank God). Why? Cos you are not indispensable. No one is.
Well Fast-forward 7-years , here we are today. Timaya is More popular than her and Has a daughter.
Empress Njamah on the other hand is still not married. No kids. Haven't been in the spotlight for years now. (The only thing she needed to do was patience, and would have been married to Timaya and would-have-been a very happy wife and mother now).
(Proverbs 14:29- Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.
Ephesians 4:2 - Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.)
So I wonder why ladies sometimes - when a single-struggling guy is crazy over them, they always downgrade the guy, instead of thanking God. They would rather prefer the guy that's already rich who they look up to.
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Empressnjamahfoundation2016 |
Follow someone that loves you more and not someone you love. The Tree you see today was a seed yesterday. And the seed in your hands now, can become a Bigger Tree tomorrow, depends on how you handle it. Plant and water it.( Love, care and more importantly RESPECT your man).
Don't let your case be #ifonlysheknew
More truths coming your way soonest........
Friday, 17 June 2016
Dead-End Location

Dead-end is when you desperately need help but can't see help coming.
Dead-end is when your expenses is more than your income.
Dead-end is when you just lost your job and account has a zero balance and you know you have bills to pay tomorrow.
Dead-end is when the worst has happened and there's nothing you can do about it.
God is a Specialist at showing up at these times. God always shows up when all hope is lost. He does that so you will appreciate His power and glorify him.
He wants all the glory and never shares his glory with any man.
The Red Sea in the Bible was a typical example- The Israelite were being pursued by the Egyptians, and then they came across a red sea. The Only option they had was to enter the red sea and drown . And then all of a sudden, God divided the red sea into two, and they went on dry ground. How wonderful.
"When it looks like all hope is lost, that's when God shows up in a mighty way".
1. Abraham was 100years old and Sarah 90yrs old when the Angel of the Lord told Abraham He would give Abraham a Son. Even Sarah didn't believe and she said she has reached menopause. So had reached her dead-end.
Physically and logically it wasn;t possible anymore.
Is there anything to hard for God to do? NOPE.
2. The woman of Zarephath in 1Kings 17:12 told Elijah, In the Name of the living God, i swear that i don't have any bread, all i have is a handful of flour and a little olive oil .So i can cook it for me and my son to eat. After that, we will starve to death. That's DEAD-END.
She was at her dead-end. But then God showed up again and her flour never ran out.
3. In John11: 4-44 buttresses what I'm saying. Lazarus was very sick and his sister came and told Jesus about it, but He didn't go then. Then Lazarus died. Thats dead-end. Four days after he died was when Jesus went to the grave to see him. What happened? Jesus said, Take ye away the stone, and cried out Lazarus, come forth.
And Lazarus came Alive.
Question: Why didn't Jesus go when Lazarus was sick?
Answer: He waited because he wanted to work miracle to the glory of God.
God is a specialist at doing miracle at dead-ends.
If you're currently at a dead-end, either in marriage, career, business health or whatever situation, I want to urge you to be joyful because it just means your time for miracle has come.
God, the Jehovah Himself is about to appear in your case now.
I know the fear, depression and panic you might be facing at dead-ends but encourage yourself in the Lord and that dead-end will be the beginning of miracles in your life, In JESUS NAME, AMEN...
This is the Truth....More truths coming your way soonest....
Monday, 13 June 2016
Time is Now!!!
The Time is now.
I'm pretty sure to a lot of us, when we hear rapture, it sounds like that "same ol story". Some even say, since i was a kid, I've been hearing rapture, and now i'm old, i still hear rapture, will it ever come.
Now, I got to tell you guys this, There are two kinds of rapture:
1. The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Your death
I will start of with the second one;
Your death: My dearest beloved, death is like a thief, that doesn't give you notice before he strikes.
Like a thief, that robs you of your belonging, and you might not notice until a few seconds after.
Death is another kind of rapture. When you hear preachers everyday saying repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand, they are telling you, two things, that you can die anytime, or that Jesus can come down anytime. In order for you not to be found wanton, in order for you not to be caught unaware. it's best to be on the safe side and keep away from sin.
With the death of stephen keshi, Amodu Shuaibu, Christina Grimmie's and the Orlando club shooting, it's best to keep off sin.
It's just like a story a comedian said, A man that has been Holy, all is life, on a particular day a lady came to see him, and one thing led to another, he started caressing her, and the girl said, don't have a condom. So the "holy" man ran across the store to buy a condom, as he hurriedly was crossing the road, cos of the excitement of what he wanted to do, he didn't look, and was hit by a car.
"Holy" man died. So he appeared on the judgement seat of God with a condom in his hand. I'm sure you know where he went. Heaven or Hell? ...
That is exactly how rapture is, so my advise is for we all to live a clean life, if rapture comes fine, if it doesn't we haven't lost anything, but on the contrary have gained a lot. Cos it is written in: Rev 3:
19- Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.
20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
21 To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.
I'm pretty sure to a lot of us, when we hear rapture, it sounds like that "same ol story". Some even say, since i was a kid, I've been hearing rapture, and now i'm old, i still hear rapture, will it ever come.
Now, I got to tell you guys this, There are two kinds of rapture:
1. The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Your death
I will start of with the second one;
Your death: My dearest beloved, death is like a thief, that doesn't give you notice before he strikes.
Like a thief, that robs you of your belonging, and you might not notice until a few seconds after.
Death is another kind of rapture. When you hear preachers everyday saying repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand, they are telling you, two things, that you can die anytime, or that Jesus can come down anytime. In order for you not to be found wanton, in order for you not to be caught unaware. it's best to be on the safe side and keep away from sin.
With the death of stephen keshi, Amodu Shuaibu, Christina Grimmie's and the Orlando club shooting, it's best to keep off sin.
It's just like a story a comedian said, A man that has been Holy, all is life, on a particular day a lady came to see him, and one thing led to another, he started caressing her, and the girl said, don't have a condom. So the "holy" man ran across the store to buy a condom, as he hurriedly was crossing the road, cos of the excitement of what he wanted to do, he didn't look, and was hit by a car.
"Holy" man died. So he appeared on the judgement seat of God with a condom in his hand. I'm sure you know where he went. Heaven or Hell? ...
That is exactly how rapture is, so my advise is for we all to live a clean life, if rapture comes fine, if it doesn't we haven't lost anything, but on the contrary have gained a lot. Cos it is written in: Rev 3:
19- Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.
20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
21 To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
Vol2: Time; The Most precious asset.(Hard-work)

Here i will teach you the few tricks to move at same pace with time, and then overtake time.
Trust me, it feels so good to overtake time.
2. Work Extra hard...
If you want to be ahead of everyone, you have to work more than everyone. You can't work exactly like others do and expect to receive a higher rewards. It doesn't work like that. Life is what you put in, it gives back to you. So for you to beat time, you need to work extra hours. You will sleep when you are buried, so no need to sleep now....Keep working hard on that innovation. It will pay off. The difference between star and good is just hard work.
If you do what you are suppose to do efficiently they say you're good. But if You do more than what you're suppose to become a star.
But how can one do more than what he's suppose to do, he must have put in extra effort. Must have worked extra hrs. There is a saying that ...Hard-work always pays. can also be translated as Hard-work never fails....
A word of wisdom: They say when you're very Rich you don't sleep for more than 3hrs...On the contrary, The truth is Rich people became rich because they slept for less than 3hrs daily, and after they became rich they can't sleep more because they don't want to go poor.
"Hard-work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard".
Proverbs 24:33-34 say: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.
There you have it, the second secret to overtaking time, and beating time...if you want to be ahead in your game........
More truths coming your way soon...........
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Time; The Most precious asset.

Time: Time is the only asset that keeps on moving, tirelessly. Time is the only asset that no one can claim ownership of. Time is the only asset that never forgives. Once it goes, no matter how much you plead with it, it will never reverse. So is time wicked? Nope.
Here i will teach you the few tricks to move at same pace with time, and then overtake time.
Trust me, it feels so good to overtake time.
1. Knowledge- Knowledge is key in whatever we do. What is knowledge? knowledge is simply knowing the solution to a problem. Knowledge is knowing what to do on-time in a difficult situation. "Dictionary meaning of knowledge is being aware of something".
When the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. It means my people are useless without knowledge.
To beat Time, you need to acquire future knowledge now. I mean, right now.
I'll give you instances,
I acquired about $1,000 worth of Bank shares in 2006. In 2008, i got knowledge that shares were going to crash. I sold mine in February, 2008 for $2,500 (Making a profit of $1500). By June, 2008 the shares of all banks had crashed, the shares i sold $2500 was worth about $300. So i would have made a loss of $700 if not for knowledge.
If i had lost $700, how can i get it back, I have to work, and put in Time right.
So directly or indirectly TIME IS MONEY and MONEY IS TIME.
TIME is LIFE and LIFE is TIME. When they say he is 10Yrs old, what that means is he is (24 x 365 x 10 )hrs.
Gen 3:3- But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
So God gave Adam prior knowledge. Unfortunately he disobeyed.
Gen 6:13,14-God gave Noah Knowledge that He was going to destroy the earth, and commanded him to make an ark. Noah made use of the knowledge and was saved.
Bill Gates had knowledge of Microsoft. Only he knew how to develop Microsoft software. And he put a patent on it. That's what made him rich. He saw the future, he could see a computer in every home as at 30 years ago. That's exactly how it is now...Knowledge.
If two people leave for "Abuja city" and are travelling to "Lagos city"...One is a first-timer on the journey while the other has the knowledge of the routes and has been there several times.... ....It will definitely take the first-timer longer time before he gets to his destination. (That's what lack of knowledge does....wastes times).
I will bring more and more secrets to beat Time to you..
More Truths coming your way soonest.....
Thursday, 17 March 2016
The Power of a woman, and the result of stubbornness
P-square, Nigerian international artiste is splitting. I really thought twins can't split cos they are actually one, well NOT when there is a Woman involved.
There was a particular year, a particular month, and a particular day at a particular second, when Peter of P-square wanted to get married to Lola but His Mom disapproved. Jude, his elder brother disapproved.
The feud between Peter and his elder brother, Jude started because Jude doesn't like Lola. Also Lola doesn't respect him..but how would she, when she is actually older than
Nigerian adage says what the elders sees sitting down, even if a child climbs the top of an Iroko tree, he won't see it. I guess the Mom saw this strife in the future, reasons why she never wanted Peter to marry Lola.
I'm not saying Lola is responsible, but I'm saying it's Lola's matter that sprung up the beef.
Guys, marry the right wife. More truths coming your way soon....
Monday, 7 March 2016
Sometimes, why we don't get what we ask for. ; Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson, a footballer that had everything working for him. Earning over E2.6 Million at 28.
What exactly was he suppose to do? Work hard and be better at what he Adam isn't even among the Top 20 best English footballers.
Every reasonable person would strive to be at the Top position. But instead, Adam was involved in sex scandal, child molestation etc.
(Cristano Ronaldo, works very hard to be the best. In my opinion, he wasn't born to be the best, but he worked hard to be the best. )
You know this is why some people pray to God for success and God just doesn't want to answer them, yet.
Because God knows the wealth they're asking for, if they actually get it, they can't handle it. It might end up destroying them.
Adam Johnson a typical example. The reason why a father would not give his 10yr-old son $10,000 is the same reason why God will not give some people some magnitude of fame and wealth. Cos they will piss it off. They just cannot handle it.
Adam isn't even among the Top 20 best English footballers. And yet he has misbehaved.
The truth is, we all want wealth, promotion and all, but are we really ready.
You want to be a manager of a company, have you tried managing a group of 10 people. How did you perform?
You want to own an estate, have you tried owning a house?
As a lady, You want to get married but are you ready to be submissive?
Are you ready to humble yourself to him? Submissive means to obey someone. So ladies, if you ready to obey your husband even more than your boss, then I know you ready.
As a man, you want to get married to a virtuous & beautiful wife, You need to work hard & make
Also, are you prepared to do anything for her? You prepared to love her, no matter what she does? And willing to forgive her whatever she does?(Col;3:19, Eph 5:25)
Ok...then, My beloved millions of Fans...I leave you with this truth. More truths coming your way soonest....
What exactly was he suppose to do? Work hard and be better at what he Adam isn't even among the Top 20 best English footballers.
Every reasonable person would strive to be at the Top position. But instead, Adam was involved in sex scandal, child molestation etc.
(Cristano Ronaldo, works very hard to be the best. In my opinion, he wasn't born to be the best, but he worked hard to be the best. )
You know this is why some people pray to God for success and God just doesn't want to answer them, yet.
Because God knows the wealth they're asking for, if they actually get it, they can't handle it. It might end up destroying them.
Adam Johnson a typical example. The reason why a father would not give his 10yr-old son $10,000 is the same reason why God will not give some people some magnitude of fame and wealth. Cos they will piss it off. They just cannot handle it.
Adam isn't even among the Top 20 best English footballers. And yet he has misbehaved.
The truth is, we all want wealth, promotion and all, but are we really ready.
You want to be a manager of a company, have you tried managing a group of 10 people. How did you perform?
You want to own an estate, have you tried owning a house?
As a lady, You want to get married but are you ready to be submissive?
Are you ready to humble yourself to him? Submissive means to obey someone. So ladies, if you ready to obey your husband even more than your boss, then I know you ready.
As a man, you want to get married to a virtuous & beautiful wife, You need to work hard & make
Also, are you prepared to do anything for her? You prepared to love her, no matter what she does? And willing to forgive her whatever she does?(Col;3:19, Eph 5:25)
Ok...then, My beloved millions of Fans...I leave you with this truth. More truths coming your way soonest....
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Why isn't someone prosecuting anyone for Ese's Rape and Child molestation?
Ese Oruru, a 14yr-old Nigerian girl was abducted 8 months ago by a 25yr old Muslim Yinusa.
She was abducted by this Yinusa guy from Bayelsa state and taken to Kano state. It was found out that she was actually taken to visit the Emir of Kano's palace. That is the side of the story I don't understand.
Where she was molested, raped and impregnated. She is presently 5-months pregnant.
The surprising thing about this story is that,no authority has made any statement about Yinusa commiting a crime.
It just seems to be about to be swept under a rug.
This Yinusa guy should be charged with Rape and child abuse. It is only in Nigeria that acts like this happen, and everyone just keeps numb or should i say dumb.
The truth is, no one might get , from the way this issue is going. And Ese has been molested and impregnated and would have to live with the trauma for years. I don;t know how a sane man can see all the young beautiful ladies over 18yr old and prefers to go for a child of 14. There is a word for people like that, Pedophile.
More truths coming your way......
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Olajumoke : There is Dignity in Labour
The story of Olajumoke the bread seller turned supermodel is quite miracle. But underneath the whole glory we all should see the true success story in all these which is ; dignity in labour.
Here ia a summary of the whole story in case u didn't read it.
Olajumoke was a bread seller and was hawking bread on the street on Lagos, Nigeria and Mistakenly/fortunately walked into a video set of Ty Bello & American rapper Tinie Tempah. And the rest is history.
Why she isn't just lucky;
She woke up that day, getting ready for the work of the day(bread selling) To her, she went out to sell bread to make money. The motive of the bread selling was to Make Money. Which is what she achieved.
Laziness is a sin- She wasn't lazy. She was hard working. Hawking isn't for lazy people. It involves carrying about 20 loaves of bread on your head and walking down the streets hoping people are hungry for your bread and buy.
Little Beginnings- She wasn't proud. She brought herself low to sell bread. Even though she was pretty. She somehow believed that bread selling would get her outta poverty. And it really did. Mysteriously.
Never ashamed - This is why i say there is dignity in labour. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people, they will be too ashamed to see bread. Some will rather settle for maybe cleaner jobs in office and earn N10,000 ($30) a month. But she wasn't ashamed of hawking bread. She sold bread with pride, always dressed good. When your work becomes pleasure to you, you get to shine.
Boldness- She was bold, bold enough to even walk past the video shoot. Some other bread-sellers with inferiority complex would have avoided the shoot entirely or maybe looked for alternative route. But she was sure, confident of herself. I'm sure maybe she just even wanted to appear on TV. Something she never dreamt would happen to her.
Psalm 113:5-8 -Who is like unto the LORD our God, Who dwelleth on high, He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; That He may set him with princes,even with the princes of his people.
My beloved Fans, I tell you all, as long as you doing your work diligently, and with God on your side...your day of success/glory/favour is closer than you think. it's today, it is right now.....CHeers....I come your way with more truths soonest.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
6 IPOB protestess killed : Why are these killings being swept under the Rug???
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IPOB leader in court yesterday |
Nigeria moved from Military regime to democracy in 1999.
Maybe the Nigerian government still don't know what democracy means.
Definition of Democracy: A system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives.
So it is actually the people that are in power and ruling and not the elect. The elect is just a representative of the people.
I am writing this because a certain group IPOB, (Indigenous people of Biafra) has been protesting peacefully. But whenever the group protests, the Nigerian police seem to be shooting and killing them. Obviously based on orders. It is beginning to get worrisome.
The IPOB states that they are 100% Christians and want independence from Nigeria. They want to be a stand alone country; Biafra.
What are they protesting for;
The protest embarked on by the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, over the prolonged detention of their leader, Nnamdi Kanu, yesterday, turned bloody in Aba, Abia State, as a combined team of security agents, comprising soldiers and policemen allegedly fired shots at the protesters, killing six members of the group and arresting 20.
The truth is, that's why this is democracy. The people have a voice of their own. They aren't disturbing the peace of anyone, so why does the Armed Forces in Nigeria keep shooting at them. And no one is being prosecuted for these killings.
I don't think there is any other country where someone is shot dead, and the authorities isn't sanctioned to provide the culprit.
I believe, For anyone that pulls a trigger on a civilian, He should be sentenced to death and the same trigger should be pulled on the shooter. If you live by the gun, you die by the gun. Whatever is good for the goose is good for the gander. A taste of your own medicine.
A word is enough for the wise..
More truths coming your way soonest.
Monday, 8 February 2016
If you Can read this, You have a strong Mindset....
Our Minds are way smarter than we think. It has been researched the 95% of humans use just about 5% of their brains before the die.
The truth is, we have the capacity to do the unimaginable, the un-explainable, the unthinkable. Only thing stopping us right now is our mindset.
Haven't you noticed, more often than not, if you fully set your mind to achieve something, you always achieve it.
It's just like someone going from point A that leads to point B. If in-between point A and point B there is a a door.
A strong Mind set- Someone with a strong mindset, because he is determined to get to point B, will look and search for the key to open the door. In order to get to his destination, point B. A strong mindset person will knock the door down if he doesn't find the key, because he is determined that nothing will stop him from getting to point B.
A weak Mindset- Someone with a weak mindset will be relieved at seeing the door. He would most likely say to himself, "I always knew it was impossible to get to point B".
A weak mindset person is quick to turn back at the slightest appearance of opposition.
The truth is this, If you want to get to anywhere that is good, there will always be hindrances and opposition.
1 Corinthians 16:9 - For a great and productive door has been opened unto me, but there are many obstacles...All you have to do is look for the right key or knock down any opposition on your way to success.
Cheers,....Till I come your way again with more truths......
Devil Against Great Men- Episode 6 (Michael Jackson)

At 5 years old Michael Jackson had already started making music. He and his four brothers formed a group called Jackson 5.
After fourteen albums with his siblings, he launched his solo debut LP "Got to Be There" (1972) and made hit album "Off the Wall" in 1979. His #1 singles included "Rock With You" and "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough".
He became a worldwide star. His next album "Thriller" (1982) became a much bigger hit around the globe, propelling him to worldwide stardom. The album was sold 26 million copies in the U.S. and 53 million worldwide, and certified by Guinness Book of Records as the biggest selling.
Everyone in the world loved him.
Then what happened? Time for the devil to come with his tricks. The devil tricked him into getting plastic surgeries. This was a guy that was handsome as a black-man and needed no surgery. After his plastic surgeries in the 80's, we all began to see the repercussions. He now needed to be going out with a mask. The surgery had gone bad.
Aside, the surgery problems, MJ was slammed with child molestation accusations. He was always in and out of court.
Michael Jackson, an extra ordinary being. whom the devil saw his future and knew he was destined to be great. So the devil cleverly introduced the idea of surgery very early in his life. Michael later dies as a result of these surgeries as he couldn't sleep and had to be taking series of injections. The child molestation drama also added to his lack of sleeping. How sad?
The truth is this, when the devil wants to attack you, he doesn't come with horror or come with danger. He comes in disguise. The devil comes as your friend. He diagnose's your life and detect your weakness, then he tries to use those weaknesses to trap you.
Please don't fall for the devil and his tricks.
Eph 6:11 says Put on the full Armour of GOD, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Let us pray;
1. Every trick and gimmick of the devil, planned for my life, die in the Name of Jesus.
More truths coming your way soonest......
Saturday, 6 February 2016
InGratitude- Lack of proper appreciation
The reason why your next helper doesn't want to help you now is because you were ungrateful to your last helper.
It's getting very common to see a lot of people beg when they're in need but the second they get what they want, they totally forget the helper ever existed. This here lies the reason why a lot of people aren't getting the help they desire. This is why a lot of people are hated.
If you're reading this post, and you notice people just hate you anywhere you go. Even people that are meeting you for the first time seem not to like you. Trust me, you must have showed or displayed some level of ingratitude. It might be that you're ungrateful.
This is how the law of Natire works. If yesterday, Mr.A was good to you, and you betrayed him. Naturally, if you meet Mr. B today, he will just not like you. It's a law of Nature. Mr.A doesn't have to know Mr.B.
Someone asks you for something, and you go out of your way to please the asker, and the next day he sees you and can't even say "Thank You"...that is ingratitude
The truth is, no one likes an ungrateful person.
Another truth is this, most ungrateful people don't even know they are ungrateful.
We all are guilty of this sin
Ungrateful to individuals.
Ungrateful to friends.
Ungrateful to parents. Your parents are like your god on earth. You should always be gratefuk to them, if for nothing, because they brought you to this world If your mom is happy with you, things will work well for you. If your mom is angry at you, things won;t go well with you. Bitter but true
Ungrateful to GOD - You have your two legs, two hands, in good health, and yet you're still complaining to GOD about lack of Money. (I wish you would take a walk into hospital bed, and ask them what they wish for) Beloved, the only thing a sick man wishes for is good health. He doesn't care about your gad-damn money. A cancer patient only wants life., nothing else.
The truth is this, if You actually Thank God for all the little things He has done, It will compel Him to do Bigger things.
We should always learn to show appreciation Sometimes with our words, and sometimes with gifts.
More truths coming your way soonest......
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Fearful Driver begs Bentley for Forgiveness.....Hilarious.
Oh mannnn, this pic is just too funny. One would think the man on knees is a beggar.
He is a Migrant worker who was travelling home for the Chinese Lunar New Year in China.
The two vehicles were queuing to go through the toll booth when they crashed into each other.
The driver of the van was devastated when he thought he had crashed into an expensive Bentley.
He didn't even waste time, he immediately got down from his van, and went on his knees begging and asking for forgiveness. Oh man, talk about fear of the rich.
The terrified man was seen kneeling down to the luxury car, reported to cost around £260,000.
However, after traffic police checked the scene, they told the van driver he was not to blame for the accident. (Fear is just a mindset...I have never seen the the benefit of getting scared).
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Van-driver still crying, scared he might have to pay. |
From Afghanistan to Barcelona (rags to Riches)
Last week the internet fell in love with little Murtaza Ahmadi this week, as the five-year-old from southern Afghanistan was pictured with a homemade Lionel Messi shirt made out of a blue and white plastic bag.
Somehow, the football club Barcelona saw the picture and have fallen in love with the Boy. They are currently planning on flying the boy to Barcelona to meet Messi.
In the interim, Messi has sent the boy an original Jersey while he plans on meeting the boy in the nearest future.
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Original Messi Jersey |
See why I say God works in mysterious ways. God has One million and one(1000001) ways of making you rich. Just believe.
Doctor shot by a Policeman
A peaceful demonstration of Medical doctors in Imo State, Nigeria turned awry yesterday as a consultant doctor was shot in the Head by a policeman.
Presently the policeman is no where to be found. Now the Nigerian Medical Association, has ordered a 3-day strike effective from today. And if the policeman isn't fished out by the end, they NMA will go on indefinite strike.
I sincerely support this strike action. Why should any sane human being shoot at a doctor, whose duty is to save lives.
How dumb or drunk can you be to shoot at a doctor.
Ohhhh,this time the Inspector General of Police should trace the bullet to the police officer with the gun.
And after that, the policeman who shot should be severely punished, sentenced to prison for life and later be executed.
The truth is this, if you kill a person, they should kill you exactly same way. That will make everyother policeman conscious before pulling a trigger.
In America, you don't fire a bullet until you see a gun with the opponent..
I just wonder how the doctors family memver would feel right now. Hope God gives them the strength to hold on.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Twin Sisters married to one man....
These twin sisters married one man. The twin sisters Owami and Olwethu Mzazi from South Africa, have allegedly married the same husband.
In an interview here is what one of the twin said: “We have always done everything together…that is how our grandmother raised us. So when we decided to marry, we said any man that wants to marry one, will marry the other” .
Really? I really want to see how this will work.
I'm really trying to picture their marriage. lol
I know twins like to do things together. Things like if they want a shoe, they would go to the store and ask for two identical shoes...
Same clothes, etc. but this is just the extreme.
The way i see it,
If One plate of food can feed One person,does that mean that same plate can feed two people because they are twins? Nope.
Even if they want to eat from same plate, they would have to double the quantity of food.
But where this twins got it wrong was that they failed to realize the man is just One man.
Well, the man must be feeling like the luckiest man in the world. Actually no, cos they look exactly alike.
In my opinion, I don't think it's fun marrying two people that look exactly alike. It's Just like going to the streets and buying two copies of DailyTimes Newspapers. Nothing new....
Biblically, Polygamy is wrong. It is One man, One wife as ordained by God.
Matt 19:6
Monday, 1 February 2016
DON'T GIVE Up, instead LOOK-UP
Luke 22:42- Father if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. nevertheless not my will but thine be done.
There comes a situation in life that it is only the will of God, it is only the mercy of God that can save you. When all roads are blocked, the only road that can never be blocked is the road upwards.
When you move to the left, right, front and back and you find out there is no way, what do you do?
1. Move upwards/ Look towards God. Move towards God.
Don't try moving towards God if you're still dirty.
2. Once you clean yourself . the next thing is to have faith in Him and believe He can do it.
3. Cry unto God, tell Him what you need, for with God nothing shall be impossible.
It is always good when praying to God, tell Him you've tried every other way and all has been blocked, and that you know He can do it if He is willing. God is a specialist at doing great and impossible things.
If it is not BIG it is Not GOD.
God never wants his glory shared, thats why He waits until every man's strength and wisdom finishes before He shows He is the Almighty GOD. Lk1:37/
GOD Bless You as you follow these three steps to victory. In Jesus Name, AMEN.
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