Sunday, 31 January 2016
Secret to Becoming a True STAR
Characteristics of a star.
1. A Star is a luminous sphere/Person. A lightful person.
2. A Star is at an immense distance from the earth.
Secrets to Becoming a Star
Ezekiel 43:9- Now let them put away their whoredom and the carcasses of their kings far from me and I will be in the midst of them forever.
The passage here simply tells us so many things;
1. Your body is the temple of God. God loves to dwell in His temple.
2. God is a jealous God and will not share His temple with anyone. "Now let them put away their whoredom" means iniquity, sin unforgiveness, . All these abominations,God cannot dwell with. The love for the pleasures of this world, like sin, irritates God.
Because God is light and sin is darkness. You cannot have light and darkness in same place.
It is after you have gone faraway from sin, that you start to shine just like the sun.
Just like the Sun is faraway from the earth, you must be faraway from sin.
(One characteristics of a star is that it is far away from the earth)
3. Now, let them put away their whoredom"- Means God is ready to deliver you right now. Not tomorrow. God hates procrastination. God wants you to forsake the world. The world has nothing to offer you. smoking and drinking has nothing to offer you. You need to be dead to the pleasures of this world.dead to the pleasures of sin. Sin is just a minor trick which the devil uses to push people away from God.
4. "I will dwell in their midst forever" . The moment God dwells in your midst, you become a new creature. You begin to shine and to glow. People see you and want to be associated with you.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Divorce is NOT the Answer
Peace be unto you all, My millions of readers, I bring this topic to you as it is very important to each and every one of us.
Whether you are single, married, divorced, or a child .....I want you to know the truth.
Divorce is a complete separation between two people. Marriage on the other hand is the joining together of two people, Man and woman. So divorce is the opposite of marriage. No wonder God hates divorce, because it is doing the exact opposite of what God's intention for us.
In Matt 19:4 and also Gen 2:22, GOD defines marriage as said; For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall b one flesh?
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Here the Bible makes it explicitly clearer. God is the inventor of marriage. He knows that it is not good for a man to be alone. That's why when people want to divorce, God is never in support. And its very dangerous to do something that God does not support.
Marriage is God's choice for us all. That's why even though you're divorce, and you marry another person, according to GOD and the Bible, you have committed adultery.
And once a single person marries a divorced person, the single person has committed adultery.
Which means that, according to the record of GOD, once you're married, you're married for life. Even if on earth you divorce, in Heaven you're still married.
There is no perfect marriage.
A wise man said Marriage is the coming together of two imperfect people deciding to make it work.
Brethren , I speak to you now, if you're married, try your best and make it work. Divorce is not the answer.
If you're single, Look before you leap. Ask God if the man you're about to marry is actually the bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh. Same goes if you're a man and about to marry.
My earlier posts says the main reason why people divorce. (Sex before marriage)
Marriage is like a boat. carrying the husband and the wife on a deep sea. Getting out of the boat is not an option. So if there is a misunderstanding, the two must make it work. The only option they have is to remain in the marriage.
Just like when JESUS and His disciples were on a boat in the sea and the winds began to blow, What did Jesus do? He confronted the problem, Oh wind be still. and it obeyed.
Exactly same can be done in marriage. If you face any challenges, confront the challenge. Because you know God was the one that created marriage, you're sure He will be quick to answer any prayer that relates to your marriage. Hold Him responsible if He hasn't answered you yet, until he answers.
And like I said, you must make it work, and by the Grace of God, I wish you true Joy and everlasting
happiness in your marriage in JESUS NAME...More Truths coming your way soon............
Monday, 25 January 2016
There was a town called Amelika. There was a Man, he was the king of the town called Amelika.
He had 100 dogs. The color of all the dogs were pale color.
So On Day 1. He observed how well the dogs were communicating with each other and playing with each other. He noticed there was great love, and a lot of fun.
So on Day-2 At night while the dogs were asleep, He painted 50 of the dogs white, and another 50 of the dogs black.
So when the dogs woke up, he noticed that the white dogs were playing with only their fellow white dogs. And The black dogs played only with the black dogs.
When it was time for lunch, usually king throws a pizza and all the dogs each take a slice. But this time, when the pizza was thrown, the white dogs just could not see themselves eating with the black dogs from same pizza. So there was great strife and the pizza got cold and bad. No one ended up eating the pizza. But there was just only 5 white dogs that were able to get a slice and shared their pizza with 5 black dogs.
At night, usually there are 50 beds(two dogs per bed). On that night, each black dog got on each bed, and refused to share their bed with the white dogs. This time around, only 5 black dogs agreed to share their beds with 5 white dogs.
The following morning,
The king spoke: You all are not worthy to be called Amelikans. Except for; the King called out the 5 white dogs that shared the pizza and the 5 black dogs that shared their bed.
And he drove the other 90 dogs out of Amelika. The truth here is, if something as little as a change of color can make you act selfish, wicked, and irrational, then you are not worthy to be called an Amelikan.
This is just my truth,,,,,More Truths coming your way soonest,,,,,,
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Food for thought
What will you say to this?
A Wrist watch for 500k?? Will it show me when the world will end?
• A Bathing soap for 80k?? Will it wash away sins and sorrows?
• One Eye glasses for 350k?? If I wear it, will I be able to see the future?
• An Italian shoe for 150k?? Will I be able to walk on water?
• A Plasma TV for 500k?? Will it show me the Judgement day on the last day live?
• A Gold plated mobile phone for 3 million naira. Chai!!! Will I use it to answer heaven's call?
• A Hand Bag for 1.3Million naira?? Will I put my life inside it?
• 2 million naira for a table in comedy show. Which kind
laugh I never laugh before?
laugh I never laugh before?
• 3 Million naira per year at a university. After graduation, will they make me the president?
Sometimes, I wonder why some people spend like craze, knowing fully well that there are hungry children in the streets roaming about naked.
1. The smallest act of kindness you show, can change someone's life.
2. Remember, money only brings happiness if you help people with it.
3. Let someone say to you, BECAUSE OF YOU I DIDN'T GIVE UP !!!
When God blesses you financially, don't just raise your STANDARD OF LIVING, also raise your STANDARD OF GIVING.
When God blesses you financially, don't just raise your STANDARD OF LIVING, also raise your STANDARD OF GIVING.
More Truths coming your way!!!!
Friday, 22 January 2016
Your mouth is one of your greatest key to your greatness. You get what you ask for. The power of Life and death lies in the power of the tongue, Proverbs 18:21.
If you want to succeed in life. You should start declaring your future today.
If you wanna be a Millionaire in 5years time, You should start proclaiming it. You should start saying it now.
A closed mouth is a closed destiny.
If you want to be rich, start by saying everyday...I am Rich. Don't just say it to yourself. Go out and when you're in a conversation with people, tell them that "I am rich".
(There is a difference between -I will be rich and I am rich. Always choose 'I am'. I will be means you're scared, a coward. But if you say I am rich, shows authority, and no one is gonna arrest you for that).
The moment you tell one person your desired future, The heavens hears it and there is like a stamp of approval on those words.
If you earning $100,000 and wants to earn a Million, the next time someone asks you, hey buddy, how much are you earning, simply say I earn One Million Dollars.
You might not understand it, but it's very very true.
The world we live in, is a mysterious one. The spiritual controls the physical.
That's why when most people say- I think I'm gonna be sick, more often than not, they fall sick.
If you're sick and want to get well, when people ask you, Hey how are you doing? respond by saying I'm doing very well. And the moment they hear your response, it automatically registers in Heaven that you're well. And i tell you for sure, you will get well.
It's not rocket science, it's the power of the tongue.
If you want a good husband and you're single now. The moment anyone asks you, hey are you married? respond by saying Yes I'm Happily married with kids. You would be surprise how speedily your husband will come.
Here in lies the Fifth secret to Success in the Journey of Life. (Read my earlier posts for the First[GOD], second[Focus], third[perseverence], and fourth[Friends] secrets)
Coming your way soonest with More Truths......
So there are two kinds of people now in the world. The Normal human beings and gay.
Gay, has become an acceptable group in the United States and some other part of the world. Gay is someone attracted to the opposite sex.
Now just sit back and relax let me explain really what Gay is.
It didn't just start now. It has been there for over hundreds of years.
In the Bible, In Gen18: 20- (GOD said He has heard about the grievous sin happening in Sodom and Gomorrah. So He sent His Angel to see if it is actually true. So the Angels came to see Lot, the Men of Sodom, saw them that they looked good. So they came and told Lot, bring those men that came to visit you. we want to have sex with them). That's why God destroyed them.
If a child is born and has some disability,dysfunction or hormonal imbalance. The parents try to correct it, right?
It is exactly the same thing with gay. If you find out your child is gay, or if you're an adult and you're gay. Do not think it's normal. It's a hormonal dysfunction. You should try and correct it.
If You're gay, the first thing to do is to realize you have a problem.
It's a dysfunction. It's a sickness.
African Proverb- " One who hides a sickness will not be cured".
That's exactly how it is with gays.
When they were kids, they knew they had the sickness(gay), but out of fear, social damnation they concealed it from their parents. Now they are grown up and now the society is telling them it's OK to be gay. So they come out of their closet. No it's NOT OK.
As a Christian, it's wrong. (Lev 18:22).Even if you aren't a Christian, it is still very wrong.
This is why some scientist have discovered that animals are wiser than some humans;
1. No male animal can have sex with another male. No female animal can have sex with another female. But in humans we see that.
2. You don't find a male animal going for a sex change to become female, but you find that in humans.
Why some people are Gay;
1. Some guys are just so shy/scared of the opposite sex. They can't even walk up to a nice lady for a chat, so they settle for the same sex cos it's easier to have a convo with. MAN UP,
1b- Some ladies are just so shy/scared of the opposite sex. Their hearts beat continuously when talking with men, so they settle for the same sex cos it's easier to have a convo with. WOMAN UP
2. The devilish spirit. This spirit enters a person, lives in a person. And manifests at a particular point in a person's life.
3. People generally all have sensitive part, so if you're a man and your sensitive part is touched by man and you feel aroused, doesn't mean you gay. It's just normal. But STOP it immediately, because it's not right. It is detestable. That's why in some African countries, you get thrown in prison if you're Gay.
Now check this out,
True life story
My name is Kelvin, 30 yrs old. I'm an American who lives and works in an oil company in Nigeria and have been Gay since childhood. After the law was passed in May 2013 in Nigeria. The law states “A person who enters into a same sex marriage contract or civil union commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of 14 years imprisonment". I had to stop the gay acts cos i didn't want to go to prison. Soon after I realized, I actually like women after I started dating women.
I'm married now with a beautiful son, Bentley. "Gay is just a thing of the Mind. it's just the devil that was trying to mess with my perception". God Bless Nigeria for the Anti-Gay law.
That above is a true life story. And that's his baby up there. I encourage you if you're gay.
There are two ways out;
1. Make a conscious effort to be with, talk, and chat with opposite sex and never with same sex.
2. Seek God and pray the following prayers;
Prayers to deliver from GAYism (Pray it for 7days)
1. Oh Lord, Please forgive me for practicing gay, I won't go back to it anymore.
2. Every spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah in my Life, Die in the Name of Jesus.
3. If you're man say - I will love and Marry a woman, in Jesus Name.
If you're woman say- I will love and marry a Man, in Jesus Name. Amen.
There you go, you're free now. No devil can hold u down with the gay spirit anymore....Thank you Jesus. More truths coming your way....soonest.
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Matt 2:1-2 "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold there came three wise men from the east to Jerusalem saying, where is he that was born, king of the Jews?for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him".
In order to worship him, you must let go of everything you're doing.
If you seek the Lord to worship Him, you will always find Him. And when you find Him, you will surely rejoice with exceeding great joy.
Therein lies the secret to "great joy". This tells us the only way you can have True joy in life is after you have found the Lord Jesus.
The minute you find Jesus, you have got nothing else to worry about. How wonderful is it, to not have to worry about anything on earth, don't have to worry about bills, health, marriage. (Cos He supplies your needs)
In order to find Jesus, you must forsake a lot of things. Forsake the world entirely. Let your mind be fixated on Him the way the three wise men were following the star.
It's as simple as this, If you follow the way of the Lord, you will surely find the Lord. The reason why a lot of people are sad is simply because;
1. They haven't found Jesus yet.
If you haven't found Jesus yet, you're like a soccer player playing without a goal post. you're like a wanderer trying to kill time on earth. When your time is up, God will ask you, "So what was my benefit of creating you and bringing you into this world". This is a question everyone must answer.
Luke 3:9( If you aren't useful to God, you shall be cutoff. How do you become useful. Love God. Love your neighbour. Share your meat, cloth with your neighbour).
2. They aren't even on the right path of Jesus.
If you're still living in sin, you're on the opposite direction to the Lord. Jesus is the light. Sin is darkness. Light and darkness can never be at same place at same time. That is exactly the same way Jesus and sin can never be at same place at same time. Once you commit sin, Jesus withdraws Himself immediately.Jesus is the Holy One of Israel. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and life. (Jhn 14:6)
Jesus is the only way to fulfil your destiny. Any other way leads no destruction. Any other way leads no where.
3. They have no star to direct them to the Lord Jesus. So they are completely lost in the world. They haven't gotten their bearing yet.
The ones that have heard of Jesus and don't know how to locate Him.
Now is the time to give your life to Christ.
Say this prayer quietly; Lord Jesus, come into my life, be my Lord and and personal saviour. I believe you died for me on the cross and on the third day you rose again for my justification. Use your Blood of Jesus to cleanse me from all iniquities, tragedies, curse, repercussions in Jesus Name. And let my life produce good fruits for You. in JESUS NAME. AMEN.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Why couples Divorce.- Episode 1
1. Sex before marriage
This here is the main reason why we have such a high divorce rate.
That's why I always and strongly advice young ones, don't sleep with that boyfriend and girlfriend of yours. Even if he/her is your fiance, DON'T. The reason is this, when you start having sex with someone, it is almost impossible for you not to have feelings for the person.
So why most marriages breakup is that, the couple when dating started having sex. As long as you have had sex with your prospective husband/wife, it beclouds your reasoning. You won't be able to see when things go wrong. You develop a deep feeling for the person, then you call that feeling love. No, it's not love my dear. It's the sex that has created it's own attraction for that opposite sex.
So now, because sex is such a powerful, enjoyable fun. You want to continue having it with the opposite sex. And then, you always want to see him/her. Then you translate the whole feeling to love...
But after marriage, when you've had sex in excess, and tired of it. That's when they start to look for other good qualities in their partner. That's when the ladies start to see his bad side, and when the men starts telling you she nags alot.
But while they were dating, if you had eliminated the sex, trust me they would have been able to see each other for who they really are. And then they would be able to make good decision if both are actually compatible, life partners.
This reason to me is the Main reason why most marriages break-up these days.
The Bible is the wisest Book, that's why it says Don't fornicate. It must have seen the bad side of it before marriage.
Will let you know the other reasons why most marriages break-up in the world.
More truths coming your way soonest....
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Ice Prince: The girls ain't loyal
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Ice kissing Maima |
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Everything would still have been fine, if she hadn't posted on Instagram/Twitter...."I LOVE you to infinity and beyond. That's a pinky promise! My heart beats for you hubby".
That message was to ice prince.
Then a very smart guy, a very bad sharp guy, who has eyes everywhere in Nigeria, Obi Nnaji is his name. Immediately Obi saw the posts, he was like...what!!!!!!!!!!!
So he replies her, he says, "you out there cheating with Akin".
Akin is Maima's sugar daddy. Nothing more.
So Ice tries to defend his girl, as a guy in love. You know all these no one can put asunder in our love ish.
But the sharp guy Obi, who's got love for Ice and doesn't want his guy fooling himself, decided to post pictures of both of them (Maima and Akin) at same hotel, same place. Evidences/pictures that even a blind judge can't deny.
Just look through the pics and you would understand...
The truth is guys, these ladies don't want nice. They always want to be the one chasing you, loving you, appreciating you. The moment you be the one doing all that, they got their eyes outside. Just my truth....
Ice my Man....You should give Obi a reward for opening your eyes. Had you married this one, would have been a disaster.
More truths coming your way...
Rape, Marriage or Child Abuse
Rape, Marriage or just child abuse.
I just read a posts about a marriage between a man between the age 27-35 and an 8 Yr old somewhere in Africa, Nigeria to be precise.
So it got me thinking......
Is that a marriage, rape or child abuse. I just don't understand.
I still don't know why some people still practice such at this time and age.
I don't think any girl should be forced into marriage at all. I don't think any girl should be married until she is 18.
The truth is, before 18, no girl is mature. They can barely think right. The world is like a game to them. Psychologically virtually everyone matures at 18 and beyond.
I think someone needs to stand up for these young little ones, who is suppose to be the leaders of tomorrow.
It is just unacceptable. No parents should enforce any man on their daughters. Let the lady grow up to 18 and then she can make her choice.
I think the only reason why these ignorant parents are quick to marry off their little daughters before they get to 18 is because they know once these little ones grow up, it is impossible to force them against their will.
So I think the government of Nigeria, Africa, and everywhere such practices occurs should install proper measures at every Marriage court, Church ,Mosque to stop underage marriage.
This is just my truth......More truths coming your way......
So it got me thinking......
Is that a marriage, rape or child abuse. I just don't understand.
I still don't know why some people still practice such at this time and age.
I don't think any girl should be forced into marriage at all. I don't think any girl should be married until she is 18.
The truth is, before 18, no girl is mature. They can barely think right. The world is like a game to them. Psychologically virtually everyone matures at 18 and beyond.
I think someone needs to stand up for these young little ones, who is suppose to be the leaders of tomorrow.
It is just unacceptable. No parents should enforce any man on their daughters. Let the lady grow up to 18 and then she can make her choice.
I think the only reason why these ignorant parents are quick to marry off their little daughters before they get to 18 is because they know once these little ones grow up, it is impossible to force them against their will.
So I think the government of Nigeria, Africa, and everywhere such practices occurs should install proper measures at every Marriage court, Church ,Mosque to stop underage marriage.
This is just my truth......More truths coming your way......
Sunday, 17 January 2016
The First Secret To Success - GOD
The First Secret to Success, and is the most important of all is GOD. And HE is the pillar on which every other secrets stands.
God is the owner of all wealth and riches in the world.
God is actually the Number one secrets of success. He is a prerequisite to success. If you don't have God on your side, virtually every pursuit of success will be a waste of time and energy.
1Samuel 2: 7 says "The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up".
So really it is the LORD that maketh rich. So there is no other way to get rich except from GOD. So if you need to be rich or successful, God is the first Person you need to ask. God is the first Place you need to seek. God is the first Door you need to knock on. (Luke 11:9,Matt 7:7)
When God decides to make you rich, He gives you the blessings you aren't qualified for. He doesn't check if you actually deserves it.
This is why some people work so hard and earn very little. While some work very little and earn so much.
Wealth comes from God.
Ps 127:1 says "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain".
Two reasons why people aren't successful.
1. They haven't asked God for success. (Go on your knees and pray)
2. They have asked, but don't believe. Their hands aren't open to receive what they have asked for.
I want you to picture it this way,
If your Father was Bill Gates, and you ask him for $1Million. And he tells you, you will receive it today. You will most likely be 100% sure of receiving it right?
Now God, who is the owner of all riches on earth, who is the One who gave Bill Gate wealth.
God is your Father, and you ask him for $1Million. And he tells you, you will receive it today (Luke 11:9). You should be 100% sure of receiving it but Our problem is, most people won't believe.
we have more confidence in man than in God. If only you knew who God is, You won't have to worry anymore once you ask for something. You will surely receive it at the right time.
He is richer than the richest.
Hope you make use of this secret everyday of your life. You will need it alot in your journey to success. More truths coming your way....
Secrets To Success No.4 - Your Friends
Hello my dear fans, I bring you the third secrets to success, "Your friends".
Your Friends.
The friends you keep, your environment, The people you talk to everyday, determines how far you are going to get to in your journey of success.
"Show me your friends and I will show you who you are".
I doubt you will find a lion rolling with flock of sheep.
Let me make this clearer.
You're in New York, America and intend to go to Texas. You enter a bus, take a seat, and asks the first passenger where his going, he says his going to California. asks, the second, he says California, asks , third fourth and everyone , and they say they're all going to California.
Automatically you should realize you've entered the wrong bus. And get out quickly.
That's exactly how life is. If the people you walk with everyday don't have the same vision as you, if they can't see the good dream that you have, you should leave them or else they will discourage you.
Pullers or Pushers
Your friends can either be pullers or pushers. Pullers are the ones that will always pull you backward. The truth is, some pullers are so scared of you moving forward and leaving them so they will always give you wrong advice and try to pull u backward.
Pushers on the other hand are friends that have the same vision as you.
Friends that see the light at the end of the tunnel. You need such friends in life. You can't succeed alone. You need to communicate, to exchange ideas with fellow friends.
You need people so if u ever fall, they will be there to pick you up.
Always surround yourself with genius if you want to be a genius. Walk with stars if you ever want to be a star.
OK. Our prayer for today is...
Oh Lord Jesus, Make me a star, In Jesus Name. Amen.
Your Friends.
The friends you keep, your environment, The people you talk to everyday, determines how far you are going to get to in your journey of success.
"Show me your friends and I will show you who you are".
I doubt you will find a lion rolling with flock of sheep.
Let me make this clearer.
You're in New York, America and intend to go to Texas. You enter a bus, take a seat, and asks the first passenger where his going, he says his going to California. asks, the second, he says California, asks , third fourth and everyone , and they say they're all going to California.
Automatically you should realize you've entered the wrong bus. And get out quickly.
That's exactly how life is. If the people you walk with everyday don't have the same vision as you, if they can't see the good dream that you have, you should leave them or else they will discourage you.
Pullers or Pushers
Your friends can either be pullers or pushers. Pullers are the ones that will always pull you backward. The truth is, some pullers are so scared of you moving forward and leaving them so they will always give you wrong advice and try to pull u backward.
Pushers on the other hand are friends that have the same vision as you.
Friends that see the light at the end of the tunnel. You need such friends in life. You can't succeed alone. You need to communicate, to exchange ideas with fellow friends.
You need people so if u ever fall, they will be there to pick you up.
Always surround yourself with genius if you want to be a genius. Walk with stars if you ever want to be a star.
OK. Our prayer for today is...
Oh Lord Jesus, Make me a star, In Jesus Name. Amen.
Friday, 15 January 2016
Third Secrets To Success - Perseverance/Determination
Perseverance, or should i say determination is the third key to success (No.1 is God and No.2 Focus, read earlier post).
To achieve anything tangible you have to be determined. It's a law of nature. Good things don't come easy. Gotta work for it. Dig deep.
Perseverance/determination will help you go a long way in life.
Perseverance by dictionary means to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult.
Always believe in what you believe. As long as your mind can picture it, it's possible.
Thomas Edison was the man that invented the light bulb. It took him years of research. When he came up with the first bulb, it failed tests, so he went back to the lap and started working until he finally came up with the electric bulb.
So before you switch on that electric bulb, ask yourself, what have i invented? If you have invented something then it's fine, switch it on. But if you haven't, well I'll let you switch it on so you can see clearly to read and invent your own discovery.
Cheers till i come your way again with more truths..........
Goodluck Jonathan becomes first African leader to bag Martin Luther King’s awards
Naomi King and GEJ
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, also knows as GEJ in Nigeria was honoured with the Presidential award by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
The SCLC, founded by the late American Civil Right leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, in January 1957 is currently led by Dr. Charles Steele Jr.
I must confess, he is a true leader. I never seen an African president, with so much honesty, humility and democratic vision. It can be said that Dr. GEJ is the Father of Democracy in Nigeria.
He displayed his spirit of democracy when he allowed a free and fair election in the 2015 Presidential Election. where he allowed his counterpart President Muhammad Buhari win the election free and fair.
See why it pays to be straightforward. GEJ has entered his name in the history of Africa and the world by just maintaining peace and order by allowing a free and fair election in Nigeria.
Dr. Jonathan was received by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s sister, Naomi King during the event.
At the event, former President Jonathan expressed his gratitude to the SCLC for inviting him and declared that it was “virtually impossible to separate this worthy body from its founder, the late great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, or from epoch making landmark events of the American Civil Rights movement”.
He also said “My personal takeaway from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, is service to God and the brotherhood and equality of all men before their Creator.
In keeping with that, I have learnt not to look up to any man, except he is taller than I, or to look down on a fellow mortal, except I am admiring his shoes”.
Former President Goodluck Jonathan is the Chairman of the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation.
Congratulations to you my dear friend, mentor and father of Democracy. May you live Long.
Congratulations to you my dear friend, mentor and father of Democracy. May you live Long.
More truths coming your way........
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Secrets To Success. - No.2 - Focus
Success is a sweet and desirable place to be. When you're successful, then you feel truly happy. Success can be financially, intellectually, marriage,spiritually e.t.c
I will be giving you the secrets to success; One secret/Post.
Our Number two secret to success is;
1. Focus- By focus what I mean is setting a destination. Setting a target. And once you have a target, your concentration, your resources, your energy should be towards fulfilling and achieving that target.
It's Just like a Man running a race, you can't afford to be looking right or left, your goal is to get to the finish line asap. You don;t run a race, and looking at the spectators. The spectators/detractors are there to applaud you when you get to the finish line. When you accomplish the task.
But the truth is, a lot of people aren't successful in life because somewhere in their journey to success, they lost focus, they were distracted.
I'm going to give you a few examples that will help you understand.
Mike, a young boy, that was sent on scholarship to study Medicine and become a doctor. Two years into the course, met a fellow student, became friends then lovers, and then she got pregnant. So now he's attention got divided, and then he couldn't cope financially with the girl, baby and himself. Now he drops out of college.
That's a typical example of loosing focus. Mike's only focus was to get the degree. There will always be dis-tractors/detractors. But that's where you have to stand up for your life and refuse to be distracted.
Until you cross the finish line, don't ever look back. Let your target be the only priority you have. I mean ONLY.
In Marriage- Let your partner be your only focus in life regarding love,sex, affection. Once you married, live your life like he/she is the only man/woman in the world. Don't try to compare your husband to anyone else. If your a lady, Let your goal in marriage be to make him happy and a better man. And if you're a man let your goal be to make her happy and a better woman.
If you running a business, let your goal be to create a brand and profit. Work hard, day and night to ensure the business is running fine. Work like you;re being paid 10 times more, so that in future you would earn 10 times more than the expected.
It doesn't matter if you like your boss or not, your only goal is to get up, get the job done efficiently.
This is the first secret to success.....a lot more truths coming your way...soonest...
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Temple of the Living God
There are two kinds of temples. There is the physical temple of God. This is the temple of the living God, a sacred place where God resides.
It's a place where people come to worship the Lord. Churches are temples of God. This is place where people come in dirty and go out clean, because they come in as sinners and then leave as saints.
The temple of the living God is a Holy place. Where there is no darkness. The light shines on the temple of God 24/7.
Alot of Christians go to the temple of God. To be honest, alot of Nigerians rush to the temple of God every sunday.
Then there is the second kind of temple of God. That is ourself. We humans. The Lord said, know ye not that ye are the Temple of God.
It is this second temple of God that is the most important to God among the two temples.
This is why, the Bible says, on the last day, some will come and say to God, we healed many and cast out demons in Your Name, then God will say, Go away. I know ye not. Ye workers of iniquity.
These men were pastors, practically living in the Temple and doing miracles. But that's not what God wants. He wants each of us to develop the temple in us. He wants us to be 100% Holy within and without.
God wants each of us as Christians to be a worthy Temple of God. He wants us to be qualified to be Temples.
Beloved, no matter your position in Church, whether worker, deacon, choir if You don't purify yourselves and keep away from sin, You're wasting your time. Do not think you have a place in Heaven just by going to Church early. Or by giving a Big offering.
There are some people, once they commit a sin, they go and give an offering. Yes offering is good, But God said, Obedience to Me is better than sacrifice.
You mus first develop the temple of God in you before God can even recognize all you do in the physical temple of God.
You cannot be drinking, smoking, killing or sleeping with your fiancee, and still be claiming prayer warrior. Yes, it is true nobody sees what you do indoors, but God sees everything.
The reason why God hasn't killed you is because He is still giving you opportunity to repent.
A Bible passage says, if anyone defiles the temple of God, him will God destroy.
Another one says, God will take out the fruits and the weed will He pluck out and set on fire. Because they're useless to him. You become useless to God when you are consciously going according to His will and doctrine. He says Thou shalt not....and it is the exact thing which He said Thou shalt not, that's what you're doing.
Thou shalt not Steal. You are stealing.
Thou shalt not commit adultery. You;re committing adultery.
Thou shalt not commit fornication. You're a champion at that.
Love thy Neighbor as thyself. You hate your neighbor.
So i urge you to examine yourself. All the past sin and disobedience
you're committing, put an end to it now.
The Good thing is God is merciful. And He is willing and ready to forgive if you change right now, not tomorrow.
Close your eyes, say Father, I come to You today, I know I'm a sinner.
Forgive me my sins. I make a vow never to go back to my old ways. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Enjoy You new found love and peace in Jesus.....
There are two kinds of temples. There is the physical temple of God. This is the temple of the living God, a sacred place where God resides.
It's a place where people come to worship the Lord. Churches are temples of God. This is place where people come in dirty and go out clean, because they come in as sinners and then leave as saints.
The temple of the living God is a Holy place. Where there is no darkness. The light shines on the temple of God 24/7.
Alot of Christians go to the temple of God. To be honest, alot of Nigerians rush to the temple of God every sunday.
Then there is the second kind of temple of God. That is ourself. We humans. The Lord said, know ye not that ye are the Temple of God.
It is this second temple of God that is the most important to God among the two temples.
This is why, the Bible says, on the last day, some will come and say to God, we healed many and cast out demons in Your Name, then God will say, Go away. I know ye not. Ye workers of iniquity.
These men were pastors, practically living in the Temple and doing miracles. But that's not what God wants. He wants each of us to develop the temple in us. He wants us to be 100% Holy within and without.
God wants each of us as Christians to be a worthy Temple of God. He wants us to be qualified to be Temples.
Beloved, no matter your position in Church, whether worker, deacon, choir if You don't purify yourselves and keep away from sin, You're wasting your time. Do not think you have a place in Heaven just by going to Church early. Or by giving a Big offering.
There are some people, once they commit a sin, they go and give an offering. Yes offering is good, But God said, Obedience to Me is better than sacrifice.
You mus first develop the temple of God in you before God can even recognize all you do in the physical temple of God.
You cannot be drinking, smoking, killing or sleeping with your fiancee, and still be claiming prayer warrior. Yes, it is true nobody sees what you do indoors, but God sees everything.
The reason why God hasn't killed you is because He is still giving you opportunity to repent.
A Bible passage says, if anyone defiles the temple of God, him will God destroy.
Another one says, God will take out the fruits and the weed will He pluck out and set on fire. Because they're useless to him. You become useless to God when you are consciously going according to His will and doctrine. He says Thou shalt not....and it is the exact thing which He said Thou shalt not, that's what you're doing.
Thou shalt not Steal. You are stealing.
Thou shalt not commit adultery. You;re committing adultery.
Thou shalt not commit fornication. You're a champion at that.
Love thy Neighbor as thyself. You hate your neighbor.
So i urge you to examine yourself. All the past sin and disobedience
you're committing, put an end to it now.
The Good thing is God is merciful. And He is willing and ready to forgive if you change right now, not tomorrow.
Close your eyes, say Father, I come to You today, I know I'm a sinner.
Forgive me my sins. I make a vow never to go back to my old ways. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Enjoy You new found love and peace in Jesus.....
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Cristiano Ronaldo: These Fans Ain't Loyal
Fans of these days. lol
Apparently there is a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo in his hometown in Madeira, Portugal.
Somedie-hard die easy fans of Cristiano couldn't swallow the news of Messi beating Cristiano Ronaldo to the World Footballer of the year title(Ballon d'or) this year.
Apparently there is a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo in his hometown in Madeira, Portugal.
So to express their anger, the fans painted Lionel Messi's name on the statue. Messi's shirt number 10 was also smeared on. Funny these are same Fans who worship the statue everyday....LOL. No chiilz or like Chris Brown "these fans ain't loyal"
And the winner is ......Messiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Messi has proven again he is the master of football.
He won the FIFA Ballon d'Or for a record fifth time yesterday January 11.
Messi has constantly striven to be the best at what he does- Football.
Initially Back in 2003,2004 and 2005 it was just dribbling, he didn't really use to score many goals.
So what did he do? He learnt and practiced how to score goals. In 2008/2009 he started scoring many goals.
But then he wasn't much of a passer.
So what did he do? He learnt and practiced how to pass.
Right now, if you're in Mexico and Messi is in Barcelona, if he passes the ball to you, you're 100% sure the ball will get to You. That's how good he is now.
So he's got the three major qualities needed to be the World Best. The truth is, No other player on the planet has those three qualities. This is why, Messi will continue to be the world best for another five years. ....
Cristiano Ronaldo: These Fans Ain't Loyal
Fans of these days. lol
Apparently there is a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo in his hometown in Madeira, Portugal.
Somedie-hard die easy fans of Cristiano couldn't swallow the news of Messi beating Cristiano Ronaldo to the World Footballer of the year title(Ballon d'or) this year.
So to express their anger, the fans painted Lionel Messi's name on the statue. Messi's shirt number 10 was also smeared on. Funny these are same Fans who worship the statue everyday....LOL. No chiilz or like Chris Brown "these fans ain't loyal"
Apparently there is a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo in his hometown in Madeira, Portugal.
So to express their anger, the fans painted Lionel Messi's name on the statue. Messi's shirt number 10 was also smeared on. Funny these are same Fans who worship the statue everyday....LOL. No chiilz or like Chris Brown "these fans ain't loyal"
Suspect turns himself in 3 Years after killing Boss
So finally, Chukwunyere Chimezie who was a suspect for murder turns himself in.
Three years ago, in Nigeria, the suspect who was the manager of a sachet water company owned by the deceased, Mrs. Towechi Ejike Nmezi, told the police how he strangled the victim on July 21, 2012, at about 8p.m.
When asked why he commited such act, he claimes there is a spirit that sometimes takes control of me and asks me to do things.
“In 2005, I was living with my elder brother in Aba. The same spirit came to me and forced me to kill my brother. I strangled him.
Now that's serious.In my opinion, I think the police should investigate further, he might have murdered alot more. Since he's 31 now and maybe the spirit has been with him since 18yrs old.
The Suspect said “This spirit was asking me to commit suicide. But I met a man of God who delivered me. I made a confession to him and turned myself over to the Police.”
LOL.........So when the spirit tells you to kill other people you go ahead and kill them. But when it says kill yourself, you go meet a man of GOD. Yeaa right.
I think this suspect personally does not have a conscience. Or should i say selfish. I'm not buying that 'spirit' story. Mr. Chukwunyere Chimezie, you've sown a very deadly seed, now is time to reap the consequences.
Don't forget to give your life to Christ before they sentence you to death.
God bless us all.....More truths coming your way.
Three years ago, in Nigeria, the suspect who was the manager of a sachet water company owned by the deceased, Mrs. Towechi Ejike Nmezi, told the police how he strangled the victim on July 21, 2012, at about 8p.m.
When asked why he commited such act, he claimes there is a spirit that sometimes takes control of me and asks me to do things.
“In 2005, I was living with my elder brother in Aba. The same spirit came to me and forced me to kill my brother. I strangled him.
Now that's serious.In my opinion, I think the police should investigate further, he might have murdered alot more. Since he's 31 now and maybe the spirit has been with him since 18yrs old.
The Suspect said “This spirit was asking me to commit suicide. But I met a man of God who delivered me. I made a confession to him and turned myself over to the Police.”
LOL.........So when the spirit tells you to kill other people you go ahead and kill them. But when it says kill yourself, you go meet a man of GOD. Yeaa right.
I think this suspect personally does not have a conscience. Or should i say selfish. I'm not buying that 'spirit' story. Mr. Chukwunyere Chimezie, you've sown a very deadly seed, now is time to reap the consequences.
Don't forget to give your life to Christ before they sentence you to death.
God bless us all.....More truths coming your way.
Monday, 11 January 2016
Murder by SEX
We all know the disease HIV, and i'm not going to go into explaining what it is.
Here is the reason why:
1. Initially when he/she starts dating partner, they were using condom, but after a while they stopped using condom.
My question here is, imagine the partner had HIV, the longer you date a person or the longer you use condom, does that kill the HIV virus in the partner? NO.
HIV is as real as the air you breath.
It's so tragic because some guys see a pretty lady, fine as hell.
So you think cos she's fine, she is immune to HIV? sooooo wrong.
In fact, it is even the very fine ladies that are prone to HIV. Cos statistics has shown a lot of rich guys have HIV. And these rich guys go after young fine ladies. And after lavishing some money on them, when its time for sex, the ladies become reluctant to tell the guy to put on a condom. So they give these so-called pretty ladies HIV.
After that, a young innocent boy sees the same lady and thinks he has just found his soulmate. smh.
The truth is this, not everyone is nice. Some people are as mean as you can think. You would think a rich man that's got HIV will always have a condom in his pocket. WRONGGGGGGG.
They know the clock is ticking on them so they really don't care for anyone.
A young lady (26) went to hospital with her boyfriend(29) cos she was having malaria. So just to confirm the Dr told the lady she would do malaria test. He took blood samples. Next day, told the lady to come So indeed, she had malaria. As she arrived next day for malaria injection, Dr told her he would like to have a word with her after the injection. Immediately her eyes opened with rage, then she asked, did you guys run any other tests? Dr said yes, HIV test. She shouted, why did they, she told them to run just malaria.
She knew she had HIV. So immediately she warned the Dr not to tell her boyfriend whom she came with. The Dr, asked why, she said she isn't getting married to him, he's just her boyfriend. Immediately she dashed out of the office, didn't even take the injection.
Now here is guy, he thinks his dating a sexy lady of his dreams. But he's dating a murderer. Murder by sex.
The truth is this, that guy you were with yesterday that told u 'i love you', might actually have HIV.
Ways to find out if your partner has HIV??
1. No way. So the best option is to abstain from sex. The truth is, if you follow the Bible 100%, and it says, thou shalt not commit fornication. Thou shalt not commit adultery. You won't have to worry about HIV, or unwanted pregnancy and abortion.
I would like you to all to think back, all the sex you've had in the past, what gain do you have to show for it. Nothing right. Just a 5 mins pleasure that could have ruined your life forever.
My advice is, The next guy/lady that demands sex, ask him or her three things.
1. Is sex a sin? Yes
2. Do you believe my body is the temple of GOD?
3. So does he want God to destroy you? Because God said anyone that defiles the temple of God, him will God destroy. 1 Cor 3: 16-17.
Jafaru Isa returns N100m to EFCC
As tweeted by Sahara reporters.
In case you don't know. Jafaru Isa is the former military Governor of Kaduna State and chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).
Isa is the first APC chieftain to be arrested by the EFCC since the commencement of investigation into alleged diversion of $2.1 billion meant for arms purchase by officials of the immediate-past administration.
So from what they're saying Jafaru collected N170m to buy a house for Dasuki. He has returned N100m and has vowed to return the balance to EFCC.
Interesting,,,,,EFCC is working.
Saturday, 9 January 2016
Funny and TRUE
This is My funny and True Pic of the day.........
Good night good children of God. See you tomorrow with more truths.......
Dead-end is when you desperately need help but can't see help coming.
Dead-end is when your expenses is more than your income.
Dead-end is when you just lost your job and account has a zero balance and you know you have bills to pay tomorrow.
Dead-end is when the worst has happened and there's nothing you can do about it.
God is a Specialist at showing up at these times. God always shows up when all hope is lost. He does that so you will appreciate His power and glorify him.
He wants all the glory and never shares his glory with any man.
The Red Sea in the Bible was a typical example- The Israelite were being pursued by the Egyptians, and then they came across a red sea. The Only option they had was to enter the red sea and drown . And then all of a sudden, God divided the red sea into two, and they went on dry ground. How wonderful.
"When it looks like all hope is lost, that's when God shows up in a mighty way".
1. Abraham was 100years old and Sarah 90yrs old when the Angel of the Lord told Abraham He would give Abraham a Son. Even Sarah didn't believe and she said she has reached menopause. So had reached her dead-end.
Physically and logically it wasn;t possible anymore.
Is there anything to hard for God to do? NOPE.
2. The woman of Zarephath in 1Kings 17:12 told Elijah, In the Name of the living God, i swear that i don't have any bread, all i have is a handful of flour and a little olive oil .So i can cook it for me and my son to eat. After that, we will starve to death. That's DEAD-END.
She was at her dead-end. But then God showed up again and her flour never ran out.
3. In John11: 4-44 buttresses what I'm saying. Lazarus was very sick and his sister came and told Jesus about it, but He didn't go then. Then Lazarus died. Thats dead-end. Four days after he died was when Jesus went to the grave to see him. What happened? Jesus said, Take ye away the stone, and cried out Lazarus, come forth.
And Lazarus came Alive.
Question: Why didn't Jesus go when Lazarus was sick?
Answer: He waited because he wanted to work miracle to the glory of God.
God is a specialist at doing miracle at dead-ends.
If you're currently at a dead-end, either in marriage, career, business health or whatever situation, I want to urge you to be joyful because it just means your time for miracle has come.
God, the Jehovah Himself is about to appear in your case now.
I know the fear, depression and panic you might be facing at dead-ends but encourage yourself in the Lord and that dead-end will be the beginning of miracles in your life, In JESUS NAME, AMEN...
This is the Truth....More truths coming your way soonest....
Friday, 8 January 2016
The devil against Great Men (DaGRIN) - Episode 5
Da Grin
His death was so painful that, his first album that was released after his death sold platinum. It was indeed a classic album. So there it is, the album was released,everyone bought it, everyone loved the songs, now here comes the time to applaud the singer, he was no more.
The devil cut him short. Didn't even let him enjoy his glory which he deserved.
I still wonder what it is with the devil and great men. Why does he not like seeing them achieving success. He just doesn't want them achieving their divine destiny.
My brethren out there, if you know you are destined to be great, then you should be extra careful and vigilant, because our adversary, the devil is waiting for our unguarded hour to strike. With God on our side, devil will not succeed.
This is just my truth....coming your way.
The devil against Great Men (Muna Obiekwe) - Episode 4
There was once a talented, gifted Nigerian actor, Muna Obiekwe. He was set to be the star of Nollywood in 2014.
All was already set for him to be the "latest Ramsey Noah" of Nollywod.
Then boom'. Kidney disease. What happened, the devil who is smart, as at 2005 or before Muna became a star, even when Muna hadn't really thought about Nollywood. devil introduced cigarette into his life. The devil deceived him, telling him how cool it was to smoke and to drink.
So he started little by little and became addicted. The devil already has seen his glory in 10 years time, and started to work and devise means to pull him down and prevent him from enjoying
his glory.
Muna didn't know he would become a star, he didn't know the cigarette in his hand or the alcohol in his cup was the devils only weapon to destroy him.
So a time came, in 2014, when Muna was wanted by all movie producers to act a movie East, west North and south. The whole Nigeria loved to see his face. And then the kidney started malfunctioning. He got to his prime, the money was there to be made, Nigerians loved him. But he
wasn't available. The evil seed, the devil planted in his life years back, has harvested. He died in January 2015 of Kidney disease.
I'm telling you this so you know,your future is way brighter than you think. The only person that can stop you from enjoying your future is you, you and you. So refuse to fall for the tricks or gimmicks of the devil and you will live to enjoy the fruit of your labor.
The Almighty Lord be with us all....
More Truths coming your way soon......
Ronaldinho - Not Greatest of all time.
Oh my Ronaldinho aka Ronnie. Days of Ronnie were days when you would just wish you could watch his footballing forever. He did things that were unimaginable on the field. Whenever you watch Ronnie with the ball, you're just so glad you were born in his era to experience his wonders with the ball. He won Fifa world footballer of the year 2004 and 2005. He was Born in 1980.
But he didn't reign for long. With such skills and talents, I would have expected him to be named among the Greatest footballer ever. He won the league, He won Champions league, and won the world cup. But he isn't the Greatest footballer ever.
Here is what happened, When Ronaldinho was at his prime. He started living the life. News broke out that he was always out clubbing.
Ronnie worked hard and got to the Top. But you know the thing about getting to the top. You have to work extra hard to stay up there.
So Ronnie stopped practicing. He started partying hard even when there was a match fixture next day. Little by little he lost his skills.
In life, there are different kind of women. Some are human beings while some are satanic agents sent by the devil to pull Great Men down. Maybe Ronnie had an encounter with the later only God knows.
Messi on the other hand, isn't as good as Ronaldinho but Messi is considered greatest football player ever. Messi lives a good life. No clubbing, doesn't have girlfriends. He protects himself from falling.
The truth is, in life, when God gives you a blessing, He expects you to utilize, guard and protect it. Cos there devil is just by the corner ready to snatch it away from you. As long as you live right, and follow all God rules/commandments, you're sure to be safe.
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Faithbook Not Facebook
Ok,, Do we all know what we mean when we say Faith without works is dead.-(James 2:20)
Ok, Let me first quickly explain Faith. It is the substance hope for. The evidence of things not seen.
Faith is you receiving a medal even before the race starts. Faith is you receiving your employment letter even before you submit your CV.
Faith if eliminating every impossibility.
Faith is eliminating every negativity.
Faith is abolishing every thought contrary to what you desire.
Faith if knowing that there can only be one outcome and that's the outcome you are expecting.
Faith is you rejecting any negative news and choosing to believe only the positives.
Ok then, having explained what Faith means. What does our dear "work" mean?
Work is the action you take proceeding the Faith. Work is the movement you make in achieving the Faith you just proclaimed.
In simple words, Works is action you take in bringing the faith into reality.
Alot of people have the Faith, but the work is missing. While so many people have the work, but lack the Faith. Both Faith and works are prerequisite to success.
Africa's richest Man once said, To be successful, you just need courage/guts/determination. Determination is faith and works coined together. You believe on something, you have said it, and you are determined to make it happen. Doesn't matter what people think now. When you succeed, they will cheer with you.
In 1Samuel 17:45-51
1. David told goliath that he was going to cut off goliath's head. That's Faith.
2. Verse 51: David ran towards goliath, and stood upon goliath, and took his sword and cut off his head. That's work.
These two verses explains all about Faith and work.
Rule #1
You get what you ask for. Always say it out. The more you say it. The more you tend to believe it. The more you believe it, the more realistic it becomes.
Rule #2
Never let anyone shut you up. There will always be people waiting to tell you to shut up, you're not good enough. Stand up and believe in what you want, putting Your trust in GOD.
Have a wonderful day. See you soon again with more truths....
Joke of the Day !!! Who is actually smarter?
Ok, lets have a little fun,,,relax and enjoy the Joke of the day...
A handsome young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you."
The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, "Which do you want, son?" The boy takes the quarters and leaves.
"What did I tell you?" said the barber. "That kid never learns!" I've been doing this to him for over a year now.
Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream parlor.
"Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?"
The boy licked his cone and replied:
"Because the day I take the dollar the game is over!"
Smart Kid!!! Keep enjoying your ice cream, while uncle Barber thinks you're dumb. Everyone is happy.
Truth is in life, You must not always prove you're smart in order to be wise. ....Sometimes acting dumb pays....LOL
A handsome young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you."
The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, "Which do you want, son?" The boy takes the quarters and leaves.
"What did I tell you?" said the barber. "That kid never learns!" I've been doing this to him for over a year now.
Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream parlor.
"Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?"
The boy licked his cone and replied:
"Because the day I take the dollar the game is over!"
Smart Kid!!! Keep enjoying your ice cream, while uncle Barber thinks you're dumb. Everyone is happy.
Truth is in life, You must not always prove you're smart in order to be wise. ....Sometimes acting dumb pays....LOL
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
A Brooklyn Teen Kills Mom and Mom's Friend and still went out Partying - No Love
Destiny Garcia
You know something guys, not everyone on the street is sane. yes i mean some people are actually insane.
A Fifteen year old Brooklyn teenager killed her mom and her mom's friend, on the 31st of Dec. She shot both of them And still went out partying that night.
Police said the bodies were found on Monday, Jan 4 in her apartment.
One would ponder, what could have gone wrong. Funny when the mom gave birth to her, she was happy. Little did she know she just gave birth to her murderer.
What was her reason? Said she has been physically abused once by her mother. Just Once o?
One should pray not to have kids that will put us in trouble.
I can imagine if a guy marries this kinda girl, and then cheats on her......he's so deadddddddddddd. lol
Well she has been charged with murder and will most likely rot in jail.
Parents, from childhood train your kids well, use the rod. Don't spare the rod and spoil the child. Guys, before you get married, look well o,
Check if she has tendency to be violent.If she does runaway. No chill.
You know something guys, not everyone on the street is sane. yes i mean some people are actually insane.
A Fifteen year old Brooklyn teenager killed her mom and her mom's friend, on the 31st of Dec. She shot both of them And still went out partying that night.
Police said the bodies were found on Monday, Jan 4 in her apartment.
One would ponder, what could have gone wrong. Funny when the mom gave birth to her, she was happy. Little did she know she just gave birth to her murderer.
What was her reason? Said she has been physically abused once by her mother. Just Once o?
One should pray not to have kids that will put us in trouble.
I can imagine if a guy marries this kinda girl, and then cheats on her......he's so deadddddddddddd. lol
Well she has been charged with murder and will most likely rot in jail.
Parents, from childhood train your kids well, use the rod. Don't spare the rod and spoil the child. Guys, before you get married, look well o,
Check if she has tendency to be violent.If she does runaway. No chill.
Are You Stagnant, Moving Forward or going Backward?
Are You Stagnant, Moving Forward or going Backward?
And hold on, before you rush into saying "I'm moving forward". I don't mean you prophesying or saying it by Faith. I mean in reality, are you really moving forward.
There are three people that can answer this question for You;
1. You
2. People Close to You- Ask people close to you if you have actually moved.
3. God - Ask God if You're at the position He wants you to be at.
Ok, now let's face You. I ask again, what's your status?
Usually if you want to access if You moving forward, You should check some basic things in life.
1. Health- How is your health. Are you fit? Do you feel a lot better than last year. Cos basically, If as at beginning of last year you were healthy, and now you got a sickness (physical or emotional). You can't
simply say you moving forward. Why? these illness reduces the life span of human beings. So you should always endeavour to be in good health.
Don't smoke, quit drinking, eat moderately not voraciously, eat healthy and exercise.
2. Finance - Ok, do a quick check, what was your account balance in all your account on 1st Jan 2015 and now Jan 2016. If there isn't over 20% increase, then i'm sorry my friend you haven;t moved forward.
Yeah I know you might have acquired some properties, OK, do a net worth of your properties/inventory as at last year Jan 2015 and now Jan 2016.
If there isn't a 20% increase, then my friend you haven;t moved forward. If the figures are exactly the same, then my friend you have actually taken some steps backward. (That's because I put in inflation
into cognizance,so what you could buy for $100 then, is more expensive now)
So always always and always ensure you grow financially every month.
Save up minimum of 40% of your earnings monthly. You won't die if you do. Trust
3. Love - LOL, How is your love life. Oh yea....I see you smiling. By love life I mean how many people have you touched their lives in a special way. It might be your wife, Fiance, husband, friend, widows.
Learn to always bless people. God didn't bring you to this world to cater for just you. You were brought to be a solution to a problem. To be a solution to someone's problem. So before you eat all that chicken, pause and go ask your neighbor if he wants some.
4. Spiritually - Well we are nothing if God isn't with us. So in all we do, we should always ensure we grow spiritually. It is our growth spiritually that can guarantee our growth in the above three criteria's.
That's because in the Bible, it says "Seek ye First the Kingdom of God, and all other things (Health, Money and Love) shall be added unto you.
If you grow spiritually, you leave the sicknesses behind. Sicknesses can't reach you. Those things only trouble people of the world.
If you grow spiritually, You get to know the secret of wealth.
The Bible says It is God that giveth us power to get wealth. There's so much wealth in God's hand, as you grow you get to reach His hands and take yours....
If you grow spiritually, You get to love God, and He in-turn loves you.
Oh My, and when God loves You, everyone on earth will be bound to love you. God is Love. You can't love God and not follow his commandments.
So by loving God i mean obeying all He says you should do...yea that's right no fornicating stealing....Exodus 20:12 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-12.
Ok, This is my truth which i have passed on to You. ....God Bless us all.
More Truths coming your way soon.....
Monday, 4 January 2016
Journey to Success - Throwback
Ok, what does this picture above tell you?
What do you see when you look at this pic?
Beyond just recognizing who they are.....there are a lot of lessons to learn ....I'll walk you through all of the lessons, just listen...or should i say just read and assimilate.
1. Never sit at home (Don't crawl into your shell)
Bros Richard Mofe Damijo (RMD) gave them(Teju Babyface, IGoDye, Tee-A and Basket mouth) a ticket for the show.
I'm sure these four comedians were at different cadre in the journey of success. But there was a show, an event. They went because they were in search for success. The truth is, it's very rare for success or opportunity to come meet you at home. You have to go out and search for it.
One poet once said, "Nobody gives you a chance, you gotta take chances/risks.
If you want to be relevant, you must make a move.
Like the saying goes- Nothing moves until you move it.
So number one lesson for success to learn from this pic is....Always go out, always be on the move, never sit back, no sleeping. If you snooze you loose.
2. Always respect everyone.
In life generally, the best things in life are free. You never can tell where your "connect" will come from. They must have had respect for Richard Mofe Damijo (RMD) which made reciprocated by loving them and in-turn invited them for the show.
Yes, RMD was bigger than them then but the lesson here is your help can come from someone you're bigger than.
Here are examples for you...In the Bible, Naaman was a king that had leprosy, it was the slave girl that advised him to go to the river and bath. And that saved his life.
So generally in life, don't disrespect anyone.
3. Perseverance- This picture is like how many years old. but the good news about it is that, the year this pic was taken, if you had googled basket mouth,Tee A, i Go Dye or Teju babyface you would have gotten an error message. But now they all can be found on Google, if not wikipidea.
So never give up in life. You might be closer to your breakthrough than you think. The reason why you haven't blown yet is because your explosion will be too great.
((The time it takes to cut down an iroko tree is longer than the time it takes to cut down a banana tree)).
This is my TRUTH.......
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