Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Why couples Divorce.- Episode 1

1.  Sex before marriage 

This here is the main reason why we have such a high divorce rate.
That's why I always and strongly advice young ones, don't sleep with that boyfriend and girlfriend of yours. Even if he/her is your fiance, DON'T. The reason is this, when you start having sex with someone, it is almost impossible for you not to have feelings for the person.
So why most marriages breakup is that, the couple when dating started having sex. As long as you have had sex with your prospective husband/wife, it beclouds your reasoning. You won't be able to see when things go wrong. You develop a deep feeling for the person, then you call that feeling love. No, it's not love my dear. It's the sex that has created it's own attraction for that opposite sex.

So now, because sex is such a powerful, enjoyable fun. You want to continue having it with the opposite sex. And then, you always want to see him/her. Then you translate the whole feeling to love...
But after marriage, when you've had sex in excess, and tired of it. That's when they start to look for other good qualities in their partner. That's when the ladies start to see his bad side, and when the men starts telling you she nags alot.

But while they were dating, if you had eliminated the sex, trust me they would have been able to see each other for who they really are. And then they would be able to make good decision if both are actually compatible, life partners.

This reason to me is the Main reason why most marriages break-up these days.
The Bible is the wisest Book, that's why it says Don't fornicate. It must have seen the bad side of it before marriage. 

Will let you know the other reasons why most marriages break-up in the world.
More truths coming your way soonest....

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