Monday, 4 January 2016

The devil against Great Men - Episode 2

OK....Can someone please explain why the devil does not want people to be great/rich.

I've been doing this research from the day i was born and still trying to figure out why. I wish i knew where the devil was, i would simply go ask him, hey why don't you like people becoming  rich.
Our #2 Victim here is;

Bill Cosby -

Bill Cosby, Bill Cosby, Bill Cosby. We all know Bill Cosby, except maybe you were born last night.
Bill Cosby (BC) was a very spectacular comedian. Born on July 12, 1937.  I'm sure most people don't know that He was one of the guys that invented stand-up comedy, and also sitcom(The Bill Cosby show).  The Cosby show became the highest ranking sitcom of all time. He became very rich as The show was #1 in America for five consecutive years. He got married in 1964 and had a wonderful family. What else could he want?

Then he started having affairs, secret lovers, and adultery. He was married, the right thing for such a great man to do would have been just to do the right thing, stick to your wife.
The irony of life is this, all these affairs happened in the 60's, 70's and 80's.  But after 20 years, he is now reaping the fruit of the seed sown.
Over 50 women have accused Cosby of either rape, drug facilitated sexual assault, child abuse or sexual misconduct.

The devil, again like i said, just does not like to see people great.
In my earlier post i said;
There are two laps in life which every Man must cross if you're to be considered "great".
1. Overcoming all the temptations, frustrations, hurdles before you eventually become rich.
2. After becoming rich, you should know that you have just wounded a lion(devil) so he goes to his drawing board to determine and devise ways by which he can set a trap for you and hope you fall.
So You have to live right,act right.

In case you didn't know, Bill had to pay $1 Million for his bail as he was arrested 30 December, 2015.
Sad story right? when BC should at this moment be enjoying all the benefits of his hard work. But instead he is being stripped of all his benefits. And this accusations might not stop until he goes broke to how he was when he started.

Before you do anything ask yourself;
1. Is it Legal by constitution
2. Is it acceptable by God.
3. Will it come back in the future to bite you.

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